Small Talks And Realizations

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“I don’t just understand why it didn’t work. I mean the Princess did kiss you, you should be talking by now.”

Sebastian said to Aaron as the both of them sat in Aaron’s room in the castle.

“Maybe you didn’t kiss her right. Did you hold back, or are your lips too chapped.”
Aaron glared at Sebastian and looked down sadly

He didn’t understand why the kiss didn’t work. It was a kiss of true love right?

Aaron’s line of thinking was interrupted when he heard a small melody outside of his window.

He walked over to his window and smiled softly when he saw [Y/n] playing the flute, standing at the bank of the river.

“Tomorrow is the last day, and that means you’ve got to try harder. Maybe you two can go out again on a romantic picnic. We’ll set the mood again and maybe……Aaron are you listening to…”

Sebastian turned to see that Aaron was leaning against his window, looking outside with a lovesick look on his face.

“What are you…” Sebastian looked outside and saw that it was [Y/n].

Then he blinked his eyes in realization.

“Oh, we’ve got it all wrong from the start. Why didn’t I see it before?” He hopped in front of Aaron, drawing the young man’s attention to him.

“We’ve been going after the wrong princess. You’re not in love with the Princess Erica. You’re in love with the one who has been your best friend for years. You’re in love with Princess [Y/n].”

Aaron gave him a 'what are you talking about?' look.

A knock was heard on the door and it creaked open, revealing Erica on the other side.

“Hi. Can I come in.”

Aaron nodded and she entered.

They both stood awkwardly for a while.

“So…um…about earlier…” Erica started.

“Listen, I just want to be sincere with you. When we kissed, I didn’t feel what I expected to feel with you. Not that the kiss was bad, it just that there was no spark. Do you get what I mean?”

Aaron nodded. He too understood that the kiss was kind of awkward.

“I just want to clear the air. We shouldn’t let that kiss make things awkward between us. Let’s just agree to let it go and be normal friends. Deal?”

Aaron nodded smiling, and Erica smiled back.

“Now on to more important matters. I’ve noticed that…you’re in love with my sister.” Erica said seriously.

Aaron’s eyes widened and he shook his head frantically.

“Oh come on don’t deny it. I see the way you look at her. It’s the little things, those little details. And I can tell she loves you too.”

Aaron’s head dropped as he started thinking.

“Oh. I get it. You’re in doubt. Well don’t be Aaron. You love her, even if you don’t know it. You two go so well together.” She reached forward and placed a hand on his shoulder.

“You shouldn’t push away your feelings. Embrace them instead, and tell her how you feel.”

Erica tapped his shoulder and turned around, leaving Aaron to his thoughts.

Aaron sat on his bed, with his head in his hands, thinking.

'Was he really in love with [Y/n]? Was she really the love of his life? Sure, he knew that whenever he was with her he felt free, and happy and contented. Whenever he was with her, he felt butterflies. She made him feel like he was on top of the world. She was the main reason he wanted to live in the human world in the first place. Not to mention she’s beautiful, smart, caring, amazing…
Wait! Wait! He was, no is, in love with [Y/n]!
Oh no! What if she doesn’t love him back.
But Erica said she did. Did she really love him back?
What if she did?'

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