The Sea Wizard Is Defeated

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[Y/n] and Victor walked hand in hand down the aisle, in their wedding attires.

Max growls at Victor who glares at him and kicks him.

The couple come to stand in front of the old priest.

“Dearly beloved . . .”

Flounder is pulling Aaron towards the ship.

"Don't worry Aaron. Ugh……we……we're gonna make it. We're almost there.”

“Yes, um, do you Victor, take [Y/n], to be your lawfully wedded wife, for as long as you both shall live?”

“I do.” Victor replied smirking, Erica glaring bitterly at him.

“Eh, and do you . . .”

Birds suddenly swoop in and start attacking Victor, as [Y/n] voices her 'I do' in a monotone voice.

“ . . . then by the power inves…”

“Get away from me you slimy little…” Victor yelled grabbing Scuttle as he flies  to him and grabs the necklace with Aaron’s voice with his beak.

“Oh, why you little…”

Max rushes forward and bites Victor’s butt making him yell.

The necklace and it falls and breaks.

“No!” Victor screamed as [Y/n] was free from the spell and Aaron’s voice flowed out of the necklace and went back to him, just as he climbed into the boat.

“Aaron?” [Y/n] asked in slight confusion.

“[Y/n].” Aaron sighed in relief and rushed forward, pulling her into a hug.

“You got your voice back.”

“[Y/n], get away from him!” Victor exclaimed, then grabbed his throat as it was in Ursul’s voice.

“[Y/n],I was so stupid. I didn’t realize that it was you all the time. You’re the one I truly love.”

“Oh, Aaron, I love you.”

“[Y/n]! No!” Victor yelled as the couple leaned in, about to kiss.

But then that sun sets and Aaron groans and turn back into a merman, making the crew gasp.

Victor starts laughing crazily.

“You're too late! “You're too late!” He changes back to Ursul and grabs Aaron.

“So long, Princess.” He said to [Y/n].


They both jump into the river.

“Poor little prince.” Ursul said to Aaron as he pulled him along.

“It's not you I'm after. I've a much bigger fish to…”

“Ursul, stop!” A booming voice hollered.

Triton floated in front of Ursul, with his trident in his hand, Sebastian by his side.

“Why, King Triton! Ha ha ha. How are you?” Ursul asked.

“Let him go.” Triton firmly stated.

“Not a chance, Triton! He’s mine now. We made a deal.” Ursul said, showing Triton the contract with Aaron’s signature.

“Dad, I'm sorry! I…I…I didn't mean to. I didn't know……” Aaron started.

Triton ignored him and blasted the contract with his trident, but nothing happens.

Ursul laughs.

Part Of Your World (Male Ariel X Reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz