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The day finally came, some members were already gone from the dorm and some others are still waiting for travel somewhere, or just waiting to stay alone at home.

Sana and Dahyun were already at the airport carrying their luggage. Nayeon and Jihyo drove them there and took the opportunity to say goodbye, aside from remind some tips. To be honest, they were worried about these two traveling alone, but if Sana and Momo survived at Hawaii, surely Dahyun will take care of Sana and nobody will get hurt physically.

It was nighttime, the time difference was not big, so they wanted to arrive late to sleep and charge energy. By morning, they will start the busy schedule prepared.

Holding hands as good friends, even if Sana wants to think of it as another thing, sitting together at Business class, Dahyun watching through the window, bright stars being reflected in her small eyes. Sana tries to calm herself, she wants to enjoy without thinking about confessing to Dahyun all the time. After all, they're still friends and Sana doesn't want to ruin Dahyun's trip, she was so excited and, as always, Sana just mind her beloved's happiness.

After a long night, fly is always tiring, they got at the hotel and fell in their beds. Even if Sana insisted in share a bed, like she did before with Momo, the younger one decided to reserve a room with two beds. They slept together before and both enjoyed it, but Dahyun is thinking about her unnie's comfort and wants her to sleep well. The older one couldn't say too much, because her dongsaeng was very firm with her decision.

For Sana, it's not something new to stay at Tokyo, she always makes a stop there to buy something before going to Osaka. Her parents already know she's there, and Dahyun agreed to visit them the last two days, after all, Sana is still Dad's dear only child.

Dahyun doesn't remember herself traveling to Japan for something apart from the job, even if she's having fun with exciting games or doing amazing performances, it's different for her now.

Sana fell asleep easy, and didn't care too much about the hour for the next day since she knows how much Dahyun loves sleep, actually, the older one was planing to wake up and see her dongsaeng sleep while she's ordering some food. She would never expect that small body resting on the top of her, with sleepy but shining eyes, and a big bright smile.

— Unnie, wake up! Let's eat something and go down to the city! I saw many interesting things — Sana smiled.

— How much did you sleep? — The older one noticed bags under the eyes of Dahyun — You need energy, what time is it?

— Uh... eight... o'clock... maybe? — Sana left her head fall again in her pillow.

— Come here and please sleep, we can wake up at least in one hour... maybe

Sana grabbed Dahyun's wrist and forced her to lay on the bed, the small girl couldn't fight with herself and her unnie, she just followed her sleepy eyes. They slept more than one hour, but it's ok, it's their rest.

The first three days had been unforgettable to Dahyun, they visited many touristic points of Tokyo and had too much fun there, her unnie is always hyper and funny enough to make this little rapper laugh until her tummy hurts. And Sana is having fun too, because at night they will always have this time of cuddles, it's nice for the older one to see how Dahyun fall asleep just feeling her hug, just a few pecks later, they both are sleeping in the same bed. By the morning, Dahyun will always complain about it and nag Sana, because even if she enjoys it, she wants her unnie to rest well. The japanese girl just giggle and promise to not do it again, but they both know she's lying.

The night of the five day it's a bit different, Dahyun wanted to go to a party, and Sana could just obey and contact some of her friends. But the older is a bit disappointed, they didn't plan it before or even mentioned it, and she had a certain plan for that night. But Dahyun's wishes, are just Sana's orders.

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