the lost chapter.

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the time between terminus and alexandria in vignettes.

the time between terminus and alexandria in vignettes

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"dixieland delight."

"dixieland delight."

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Terminus was in flames around us. We ran, our boots hitting the concrete as ash fell thick. I don't remember much aside from Maggie's hand in mine, hauling me along, forcing my legs to move.

I didn't realize I had been holding my breath until we were on the other side of the fence with the train station and box cars smoldering at our backs.

We stopped. Finally. I fell to my knees and Maggie held my hair as I coughed the smoke and bile from my lungs.


Judith was alive. As was Tyreese, Carol.

It was a reunion I had not expected. Everyone was so joyous, no one noticed Carl pull me to the side not too long after and no one noticed him take my face in his hand and no one noticed him press his mouth against mine. Another thing I had not expected.

He tasted like ash. I was sure I didn't taste any better.

It was quick. Not even a second long. Not even enough time for either of us to close our eyes. He did it so simply I was half-stunned by it not only it's suddenness but by how casually he went about it. As if it was something we had done in passing a thousand times, as if it was the most natural touch in the world.

I pulled away first and he was crying. He smiled at me through the few happy tears running down his dirty cheeks, unashamed at his blatant expression of emotion. I wanted to at least smile back at him.

The memory of his fingers still lingering along my jaw, the warmth of them a ghost across my skin.

He went over and took his baby sister up in his arms, finally a brother again. But all I could think of was the brother he took away.

ALL THE LOVELY BAD ONES | CARL GRIMESWhere stories live. Discover now