Sweet Past..

390 52 14

Priya cutting veggies, but her mind reminding Khush's name again & again, & morning incident occupies her mind fully, & in between she cut her finger, she wincing in pain, & keep her finger quickly in mouth, Pari looks that & comes to her..

Pari says with concerned tone- mom, where were you lost, show me the cut..

Priya shows palm, make her clam down first, & Pari side the cutting plate from her lap, & ask- is cut is deep..

Priya pull out her finger from mouth & says- no, it's a small cut, & it's normal, it's happening, it's not a big deal..

Pari- sure it's not a big deal, if me or Mayra on your place, till you almost hold a house on your head & runs towards the doctor first, mom you are too much careless towards yourself, for all the time, you be around us like bee, but for yourself almost careless, & she brought first-aid box..

Priya- it's ok, I'm fine..

Pari look Priya with upset face & says- keep quiet & show me your finger, otherwise I call to Mayra, then don't complain me, that she scold you while first-aid..

Priya show her finger to Pari & says- I can handle your upset face but can't handle your possessive & obsessed Mayra..

Pari clean the cut blood & stick a bandage on it & says- mom, is she like him..

Priya little hesitant & says- just in anger, possessiveness, in obsession matter, but through heart, she is like me..

Pari- ok, is I ask you something, will you answer me..

Priya- no, no, not about my past, please..

Pari little disappointed & she says- ok..

Priya- good..

Ram working on his laptop & his laptop suddenly restart again, & he whispered- fuck..

And he start to scroll his cell, till laptop start & he found Khush's childhood picture, & start to smile..


Priya resting her back to bed, & Khush seating on Priya's stomach, Ram coming from his office & look Priya playing with Khush, he walks to bed & take a seat beside her, giving smooch on her lips..

Ram lightly caressing Khush's cheek, & says- how are you my baby..

Priya look once Ram & says- baby doing well..

Ram start to nuzzles Priya, & Priya start to lost in his wet kisses, but before she lost in him, Priya says- Ram stop it Khush is here..

Ram stop to nuzzled her & says with husky voice- so what, what he will understand, what we are up to..

Priya- but it's not good, being romantic in front of baby..

Ram- where is his Nancy, give them to him, & start to do some romance with your husband..

Priya- why..

Ram- why means, after two days, your husband will fly for Dubai, that too for month..

Priya- ohh, that's why you come home early..

Ram goes to open his mouth, & same time Khush says- Maa..

Ram & Priya look each other & again start look Khush with curiosity, & Priya says- say it again Khush, I'm listening..

Apeksha entered in their room, & Khush again says- Maa, at looking at Priya..

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