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Ram fall down from the bed, by Priya's push, she again push him from his side, & it's happening every day, since she turn her pregnancy month six..

Ram look Priya with little upset face & he mumbled with himself- why always she hit her leg on back & push me down from the bed, it's a king size bed God, why don't she realized that I always sleeps awkwardly on couch, if I go to another room for sleep she start to cry & call to Mayra, & she complained against me, that I less interested in her, because she become pumpkin, not attractive in pregnancy, god how would I make her understand, that after long 18 years I choose her for Love again, & she gets pregnant for second time that too with symbol of love, then how can she said those words, my poor baby Mayra, who gets busy with her cricket tournament under 19 for India, & Priya makes her disturb, but now a days Mayra start to know Priya's mood swings that's why she doesn't bother me a lot, but sometimes, I really gets fed up by Priya's mood swings, sometimes she wakes me up in middle of night & tells me take her for drive, when I take her for drive, she almost start to snoring in car, if I stop the car, she wakes up & says why don't I drive the car, I mean for her sleep I drive the car for whole night, god to whom you send in to my family, her mood swings is literally out of the world, I heard while in pregnancy ladies loves to read good books, eat to food, or some extra other activities, but in Priya's case, Priya loves to read horror books, loves to eat ice cream that too with rice, who eats ice cream with rice, & in other activities she loves to do making stories, & about mood swings, she loves to talk with Khush only, she connect with him through messenger, through calls, that too for all the time, only me & Pari are in the house who are literally ignorant once, no, no, sorry, only me is the person, who ignorant one, because Pari is one who listen Priya's making stories, & Ram a husband of Priya, a only used for taking her for drive, bring her favorite food, bring her favorite ice cream, & last but not least, bring her favorite cherry pie that too with extra Cherry's, she using me for her needs & then throws me from bed through pushing her leg on my back..

Priya wakes up in mid of night, & she make her face sad & call Ram once, who sleeps on couch awkwardly, he is in deep slumber, & she dialled Mayra's number, & Mayra pick her call..

Mayra says with half sleepy tone- yes mom!

Priya- look you dad again sleeps on couch, I told you Mayra, your dad having affair with someone, due to my pregnancy, I become fat, & that's why dad start to look another woman, now you look your Dad bring new mom for you three, that too very soon..

Mayra- hmm..

Priya- I'm gonna complain against him to Arjit Bhai & Shruti too..

Mayra- mom should I break dad's face or leg bone..

Priya- no, no, don't break his leg bone, it will so painful na, it's better you warn him..

Mayra- ok, on morning I'll warn him..

Priya- Mayra tommorow you have match na..

Mayra- yes mom..

Priya- best of luck..

Mayra- Mom, for you & for baby I'll hit my third century..

Priya- haan, I & baby will cheer you from home..

Mayra- ok, now you sleep, & on morning I'll talk with Dad, & warn him..

Priya- but please don't used harsh words..

Mayra- ok..

Priya look Ram who sleeps peaceful on couch, & she throw cushion on him, Ram's sleep break by the cushion, & he look towards the bed, a fumes face looking at him, & he ask to Priya- what happened baby..

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