Chapter 3

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I wasn't expecting any message at 11. I was tired. I tried and manage to get myself awake before I feel asleep. I realize something and called out.

"Gojiro! Sleep time!" I saw him fly to his cage and went to his hut. I chuckle a little and closed his cage. I got to do my night routine and get into comfy clothing.

I sigh and I got back from the bathroom. I turn off the light and went to my bed. I let myself fall on the bed. It was comfy. I looked up at the ceiling. Before I can go to bed I checked my phone.

I read the message and it was from Dream. I was confused at first. This is what they said...

Hey y/n how's it been? Your brother told us you wouldn't be able to join. So I was wondering if you want to hangout? Like just you, your brother, SapNap, and Bads?

I type something with this.

🍓Y / N🌸:
Hm? Oh sure thing!

I wasn't expecting anything and before I could just shut down my phone. I heard a buzz. I looked at it. I was surprised. I thought

'dang he's a fast Typer' I chuckle a little. Soon I got this as a response...

Ok see you tomorrow than.

I smile a little and turn off my phone and plug it to my charger. I began to fall asleep.

The Next Day

I woke up and do my morning routine like always. After that I went to open up Gojiro cage and he flew somewhere. I walked out of my room and headed to the living room.

I smile and greeted my brother.

"Hey bro" "hey lil brother!" He smile and got an exciting expression.

My brother spoke "I heard you are going to hang out with us! Just me, you and the gang!" He cheered and I smile.

"Hey bro! Wants to join me on a live stream? We can talk about stuff you know. A q&a thing!" "Sure Why not"

We both talk for a while before we went to our room to do on stream. I got everything set up for the stream. I know I don't show my face to the viewer.

I clicked on discord to see my brother online and his friends as well. Eventually my brother send me an invite and I join their call. It was silent as first before I could hear my brother said.


I stayed there for a second to realize what just happen. I realize what it is and starts laughing. Soon enough I saw my bird flying to me and landed on my shoulder.

I sigh and said

"Well brother you need to be polite with my bird or else he may poop on you."

Bads, SapNap, and Dream was all silent. My brother and I started an argument for a stupid reason. Until I heard Bads said.

"Alright Muffin you need to stop arguing!"

I stopped and rolled my eyes. I keep hearing my brother arguing and I didn't. Until he stopped. I than heard Sapnap said.

"Sooo on to the Q&A!"

I muted myself and began to do an intro. After that I see a lot of people commenting real fast. I unmuted my mic and we all began to play among us. I saw the screen I was crewmate. We had different names so people don't actually know our name. If we play with them.

As I was doing my task I heard a dono and it audio spoke.

Skywolfie214 has donated $20: "Hey
U/N! Is it true that your the brother of George?"

I jumped a little and saw the donation Audio.  I stopped moving my character and went to see who donated.

"Thanks you to Skywolfie214 for the 20 dollars! About that... that's personal. We don't share stuff on the internet. To answer that question is a maybe. Whenever is George is comfortable with it."

I than saw the chat where spamming me a lot and I chuckle a little and went to game. I didn't realize I was dead already. 'Fuck... wow I just can't believe I'm dead already' I thought to myself and laugh a little.

Soon a body was reported so I don't have to unmute myself. They all typed and stuff. I can hear the conversation of them talking. So I listen in.

Bads: "w-what how?! Did u/n die already?"

SapNap: "I don't know"

George: "nooooooooooo! Not u/n!"

Dream: "guys calm down it's just a game anyways what are we going to do? Someway we have to vote."

George: "b-b-but u-u/n!"

I smiled and just sit back until another donation pop up. The audio said

Iloveyoudream donated $40 "u/n! How are you? Hope your doing fine! I was wondering are you single or taken?"

I looked at who it's from and spoke

"Thanks you to Iloveyoudr- wait a minute" I looked at the donation and I sigh.

"Wow guys just wow. I almost felt for it.. anyways to answer that question is I'm single." I saw the chat went wild on how I almost felt for it.

I smile and thought 'Dream not his friends know about this.. nor the live stream...' 

I looked at the screen and we are back to the game. I was a ghost. Soon I got a donation pop up. I looked at it and saw who it was from. I smile brightly.

RainbowSwirl has donated $50
"Hey Bestie! I thought I would ask this but do you have a crush on someone?"

"Thanks you to RainbowSwirl for donating 50 dollars! The question about that uhhh..." I began to have second thoughts. I spoke again

"Maybe I'll tell you in private.." I began to read the chat who said 'WHAT?!' Or 'HOLD UP DOES U/N LIKES SOMEONE!' I laugh nervously and soon got a discord notification.

It was my friend who wants some answers. I clicked it and see this message.

RainbowSwirl: soo spell the tea!

I looked at the viewer who are reading my discord thing I went over. I place my among us to be hold in for the viewer to see. I went back to discord.

I soon typed in

U/N: well yeah.. I'm only going to tell you. Will you promise to keep this as a secret.

I see RainbowSwirl typing. Soon she wrote this.

RainbowSwirl: ofc! I'll keep it a secret! I won't tell anyone nor the viewer!

U/N: okay. I'm only going to trust you. I have a crush on..... Dream.....

Words: 1185

Author Note:
Hey fam! Back with another update with this book! It's slowly but surely updating slow. I know. Sorry for the bad grammar and sorry if it's now becoming a slow update. I'm trying my best to keep you guys to have a great book! I do read the comments! Anyways hope you enjoy this chapter!
Bye Lil Chihuahua Friends!

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