Snowed In

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                               🍫 Zeek 🍫

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           🍫 Zeek 🍫


Tae looked up from her drawing, laying her pencil beside the A&P books that she took a break from. Standing up, she tucked her hands in her hoodie and slid her feet across the floor. Looking out of the peephole, she seen a familiar black bomber jacket and grey hoodie. A smile tugged at her lips as she unlocked the door and opened it.

Her guest slid in and slipped off his snow covered boots, avoiding tracking his footprints. "What you doing out in this storm, Zeek?" Tae took his jacket, taking in his appearance with a glance.

She closed the door and locked it, turning back to the 6'4 man she's called her friend since sixth grade. Zeek smiled at his short and chubby ray of sunshine. He rubbed his hands together and chuckled. His body warmed as he stood in front of the fireplace.

"I wanted to come check up on you. You've been busy studying and I figured you needed a break. You always stressing yourself.." He looked up from the orange flames, winking. Tae shrugged and slipped her hands back into her hoodie. She nibbled on her bottom lip before turning to head for the kitchen.

"You hungry? Thirsty?" She called back to him, heading to the fridge.

"I'm a little cold. Got any hot chocolate?" Zeek followed her without a second thought. She walked around the island and went to the cabinets. Searching the shelves she found the mix and reached to get it. Her fingers pushed the container back and it disappeared from her view, gaining an eye roll. A warm hand grabbed her waist as his body stepped closer. "I got you ma. You could've just asked."

He chuckled, knowing how she was about asking for help. Sitting the mix on the counter, he leaned back against the counter opposite to her. Tae looked up at the male, smirking to hide the big smile she was fighting. Zeek was slick as hell, but she was catching onto his game.

"Thank you. Even though I could've gotten it. You just think you slick.." The curvy female giggled as she retrieved the milk from the fridge. Zeek watched her as she swayed her hips to the music playing from the living room. He licked his lips, taking his focus off her ass.

"I'm innocent. Though you already know what it is babe. Just say the word... And what you know about Boyz II Men?" Zeek listened to her hum along to Let It Snow. A smile pushed at the corners of his mouth. He sang a little, but he'd never sang in front of anyone. But around Tae, he was open with everything. Except the fact that he's been dying to make her his.

"Boy please, and you do?" She teased, pouring the cocoa into the warmed milk. "You know I have a thing for Boyz II Men anyway. You act like you can sing." She stirred the contents with a teaspoon before two arms slid around her waist. Zeek pressed his body against hers and laid his face in the crook of her neck.

He sang to her softly, rocking them both side to side. The words dripped from his lips with love and lust. Zeek took this performance serious, especially in front of his dream wifey. His body grinded to the music as he sang. The feeling was beyond enough to send anyone into insanity.

She was actually shocked. He'd never made such a bold move and his voice was the icing on the cake. Closing her eyes, she felt herself melt into his arms. His lips smiled against her skin as he continued to sing.

"Let it snow. Let it snow. Outside its cold, but the fire's blazing. So baby let it snow. Let it snow. Let it snowww." Turning to Zeek, Tae stared at him in awe. He smiled and looked down at her full lips. Her bottom lip was tucked into her mouth with lust. He felt her hands placed on his stomach. A chuckle left his mouth as she grinned.

"I see your full of surprises, hmm?" He licked his lips and lifted her chin. Nervousness coursed through her body and a chill ran down her spine. Zeek had found a way to get her attention. Singing.

"A few. I keep them hidden for occasions like this."

Tae gave a playful eyeroll, looking him over once again. She never took in how attractive he was. Sure, it was obvious but she never reflected on it. It was something about him that made her crave his presence. And his voice only added to the work of art he was. Zeek was a complete package and at this point, she was down with with whatever.

Taking a leap of faith, she took his face in her hands and brought her lips to his. He melted a little from the taste of her and the confirmation of her feelings.

She pulled from the kiss with a small smile, taking his hands into hers. "It's getting late so maybe.. you should stay over. I mean, since we are snowed in.." He definitely liked the sound of that.

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