Say It

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                           🤤 Micheal 🤤

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           🤤 Micheal 🤤

"So that's the Micheal every chick is crazy over?"

Rei mumbled to herself. She watched from afar as he looked over cereal from the shelves. His muscular arms flexed as he decided on Apple Jacks.

She smirked, approving of his looks. He was definitely as fine as her homegirl made him seem. Continuing with her shopping, she searched for Rotel. To her dismay, the cans were higher than she expected.

"The one time I don't bring Kyle.."

She wished that she had agreed to her older brothers offer to tag alone. Now, she had to get a can without the cans falling. Standing on her tip toes, she felt her fingers graze the can.

"Need help?"

Someone chuckled behind her. Turning to the voice, she almost melted. Micheal smiled at her. He was even finer up close. She stepped back and nodded.

"Um. I just need Rotel. They put it too damn high.."

She giggled. He agreed as he reached for the can. His shirt rose to reveal a sneak peek of his v-line. Rei cleared her throat as he held out the can.


"No problem, gorgeous.. I'm Micheal, by the way."

She smiled as he took her hand, kissing it. His eyes stayed on hers. A definite ladies man, she was sure. "I'm Rei. Nice to meet you."

"The pleasure is all mine..."

His eyes scanned over the woman in front of him. Her curvy hips were hidden under her sundress. She felt a little nervous under his stare. He spoke again, wearing a smirk.

"Do you have any plans tonight?"

"Um... I don't think so. I was just planning to binge watch Netflix.. Why?" She began to walk down the aisle again. He stayed by her side, looking to her.

"My people having a get together. I just thought you might wanna be my guest."

As they made it to check out, Rei had agreed to his invitation. The two talked a little more. She found out that Micheal was 27, a nurse, childless, and single. A small smile spread on her lips as he offered to help her take her bags to the car, and he chuckled.

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