Avoid It

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😍 Lee 😍

"Please let me go cause I dont wanna fall in love.."
~Kyle "Don't Wanna Fall In Love"

"I love you."

In a split second, the atmosphere changed. How could three letters be so strong? How could they carry so much weight behind them? A sentence so simple, yet so complex.

Those three words had caught her off guard. It was all too real. She could only stare back at his dark orbs, taking note of the slight gloss they held. His gaze held hers hostage as she tried to find words. This hadn't been his first time expressing the words.

Pants and moans bounced off the charcoal colored walls. Rain tap danced against the window as Zade held her shivering body tight. The lovers wrestled passionately in the sheets.

He growled as he used his arms to hover over her. His hips rolled into her, paying attention to her heightened senses. She arched off the bed with a loud curse. His toned back fell victim to her long nails.

"You feel so good baby.."

Her words were shaky and barely audible, but he heard her. Their eyes met as he slowed his strokes. He took her hands in his, placing them above her head as her orgasm approached.

"You do too, princess.."

His voice deeped as he chuckled. Her thick thighs hugged his sides as she came undone. Her voice disappeared as she closed her eyes. Zade was the only man to ever have her a trembling mess after his love sessions.

He released into her with a smile. She thought nothing of it as he pecked her lips. It was a habit, him randomly smiling at her. But the look in his eyes were a bit different, though she thought nothing of it as he rolled off her and pulled her closer as she dozed off. His words were faint, definitely him talking to himself.

"I swear I love yo ass."

That was weeks ago, yet the words were imprinted in her mind. No, no no. This wasn't supposed to happen. He wasn't supposed to be falling for her. He was only a boy toy. Right?

She removed her hands from his, stepping back. His brows furrowed as shock washed over him. He went to grab for her hands again and she slyly dodged him. Her fingers adjusted her shirt as she avoided his gaze.

"You what?.."

She finally glanced up at him, folding her arms shyly around herself. The look on his face tugged at her heart strings. Shock took over his masculine features for a slight second.

"I said that I love you, Zade.. Are you that surprised?"

A light chuckle left his lips to lighten the mood, only to be met by her slight frown. His smile faded as he watched her. She looked down, rubbing her arm gently. A nervous habit of hers.

A whole two years 'together' and she still held up this wall. Of course he remembered how they met, how they started off. It was innocent. They were friends for two years before they started messing around, big mistake, but he figured he could handle it. But he found himself falling for her a long time ago. She wasn't just sex to him, and he prayed she thought the same in return.

"I thought we talked about this, Lee.."

Her voice was low, guilt dripping from every word. She sighed as he scoffed, placing the small jewelry box onto counter. Not an engagement ring, but a promise ring until he found the perfect ring to propose with.

"That was six months ago. I understood where you were coming from then. We barely hung with each other, but now.. I thought you'd feel this. My attraction to you is more than sex-.."

"Lee pl-"

"I know, I know. Falling for you wasn't my plan but damn.. It's just the way we connected. I could share shit with you that I wouldn't dare anyone else. The time we've spent together, the more I saw who you were, you drew me in. You can tell me that you don't love me, not even a little bit.."

He glared at her, anger and hurt spilling from him. All this time he'd invested in her, letting himself get lost in her world. She dragged him along as the months passed. The way she cuddled and loved on him felt real.

Every time he kissed her and hinted at a future with her, she played along to his fantasy. Talking about their futures and goals together meant nothing to her? Nothing?

He stepped to her, making her flinch from the sudden movement. She knew that he'd never hit her, but he was blinded by past hurt so she stayed cautious. His hand cupped her round face, lifting her eyes to meet his. Those dark orbs she couldn't help but attract to were glossy. She was causing this heart ache, hiding her true feelings because of situations in the past.

"Tell me you don't love me. And my ass is gone. I'll let you be.."

He whispered against her full lips. His arm slipped around her waist to pull her body to his. A pause seperated his actions to give her a chance to stop him, but she didn't. She allowed his lips to press against hers, and her hands tugged gently at his hair before he pulled away. Her breathing was heavy as she felt his hand brush against her lower back.

"Tell me and I'll leave. Right now.."

He mumbled lowly, looking down at the daze on her face. She kept his gaze before he dropped his hands to his sides. Shaking his head, he took a step away from her. His back turned to her as he made his way to the front door. The silence was a knife to his heart, and Zade felt the tears falling onto her cheeks.

What about your happiness?
Does that matter...

The front door closed with a soft thud which brought her from her thoughts. Her heart cried for her to move, but her legs weren't getting the memo. She couldn't understand why she just wouldn't let herself be happy.

Her legs finally kicked into gear as she bolted for the door, running through the living room. She yanked open the door, hoping he hadn't left. It never failed. She always messed up an good thing. But now wasn't the time to hide her feelings and ignore them. She was tired of letting fear dictate her fate.

"Lee wait.." She called out, stopping him as at the stairs. He looked back at her, seeing her making her way towards him.

Forgetting that she wore only a sports bra and shorts. She ignored the slight morning breeze and jumped in his arms, hugging him tight. Tears fell down her cheeks once again as she mumbled apologies. His arms returned the love, around her like he didn't want to let her go.

"I love you.." She confessed, her lips pecking kisses against his soft lips. Her hands held his face as his lips spread into a smile. He nuzzled his face into the bend of her neck, rocking them both.

"I love you too. No matter how stubborn you are... When you scared of something, you can't just push it off and hope it goes away. You gotta be real with yourself, ain't no avoiding it.."

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