Chapter 8 - Ouroboros

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Chapter 8 – Ouroboros

"Who taught you how to throw a punch like that?" Evan asked casually as they each grabbed an empty crate from beside the farmhouse, carrying them over to the orchard.

"Bite me," Kaylee said shortly, walking a little faster to leave him behind.

"No, I'm serious," he continued, increasing his pace to keep up as they walked through rows of apple trees, "That was actually pretty impressive, and I doubt you picked it up all by yourself."

"I'm not in the mood to deal with your crap, Evan," she snapped, "If you say one more word to me, I'll break your teeth on this crate."

"Oh don't worry," he said with a smug smile, "I'll be too busy eating apples to talk to you."

Kaylee looked at him, and the smile on his face widened. "What?"

"Come on, do you really think I'd get us sent to work in the orchard for no reason? He smiled again, whispering as John took up his position patrolling around the edges of the small farmyard.

"You're still an asshole."

"Oh trust me, I know that already."

When they reached the far side of the farmyard, the pair set down the empty crates next to each other.

"You didn't need to dunk me in carrots and soup," she commented sourly as they began to pick the ripe apples, depositing them in one of the crates. "I was only going to have a few mouthfuls."

"That's enough to keep you dull. Trust me, I did you a huge favour."

"I could have handled it."

He turned to her, tossing a pair of apples into the crate. "You know, I thought the same thing. About a year ago, I got tired of scrounging for food in the orchard when the managers weren't looking. I thought as long as I kept my goal in mind, I could beat the drugs they pump into that food. Do you know what happened?"

"I don't know."

"Neither do I; not really. Time blurred together, and as much as I still wanted to get out, I just couldn't focus on it. It's hard to tell how much time passed, but I think it was three months before I finally brought myself to stop eating it again. You'd be a zombie as soon as you took a bite."

She remained silent, picking more apples and placing them into the crate so that they wouldn't bruise.

"I'm sorry for hitting you," she muttered, pulling the crate along as they moved further into the orchard, picking apples as they went. "I guess I do have some anger management issues."

"It's not like I didn't deserve it," he admitted with a wry smile, "I'd have done the same in your position. You still haven't answered my question, by the way. Who taught you how to do that? Because it sure as hell isn't just some crap you picked up off the street. That was too fast, faster than anything I've ever seen for damn sure."

"An old friend," she replied, watching as John's patrol took him to the far side of the orchard. "Henry."

Evan was watching as well, and used a sharp rock on the ground to split one of the apples he was holding in two. He quickly passed one half to Kaylee, devouring his down to the core in three quick bites. She followed suit. After her intense hunger pangs, the apple could have easily been the best think Kaylee had ever tasted.

The fresh juices ran down her chin as she bit into it, eating quickly. Evan stuffed the core into the pocket of his jacket, to dispose of later. John came back into view on the far side of the orchard as the pair continued to work eyes on their task as small talk filled the time.

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