Chapter 34 - Freefall

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Chapter 34 – Freefall

When Kaylee came back to her senses, Deacon Hale's hands were still firmly planted on either side of her head. He smiled as she opened her eyes, but it quickly faded when he saw the steel therein.

"What in the—" he began, before Kaylee made her move.

She brought her arms in between Hale's forcing them open with ease in his surprise. With his front now exposed, Kaylee landed a flurry of blows into his chest and throat with as much force as she could in the space of only a few seconds. His eyes went wide with surprise, before he fell to a knee and started to gasp for breath.

'Kill her!' the disembodied voice of the Angel Ramiel roared, and Hale raised his head to the sky in recognition. 'Kill her! One of The Four!'

Kaylee turned to the side before he could act, looking for Evan and praying that he wasn't still Hale's pawn. Now that she wasn't distracted with Hale, she saw the state that all of Camp Driftwood's inhabitants were in. The majority were on the ground, convulsing uncontrollably. A few of the stronger ones, Evan included, as well as John and Matthew, were beginning to get to their feet, shaking off the seizures.

"Evan, is that you?" she called, taking a cautious step back and trying desperately to figure out what to do next.

Evan raised the gun as Matthew dived towards him, clocking the older man on the side of the head with it before throwing Kaylee a half-smile. "Course it is," he said hoarsely.

By this point more and more of the managers were coming back to their senses. If Kaylee's actions had forced the Angel's grip over them to slacken momentarily, then he was quickly regaining control. Soon the whole camp would be on them.

"We need to move," Kaylee yelled, dodging one of the attendants that dived towards her, a young boy from a few cabins down. "Plan?"

Evan backed up beside her, holding the gun out threateningly towards the slowly rising mass of enslaved people in front of them.

"Kill them," Hale roared, his voice cracking from the force of Kaylee's blows to his trachea. "Kill them both!"

"Inside!" Evan shouted, backing up to the door.

They were completely surrounded and backed against the dining hall, and the doorway was their only immediate chance to escape. It wouldn't protect them for long, but it was better than getting shot. They both backed up immediately just as a few managers took aim with their rifles, ducking around the corner as a volley of shots fired off, flying through the doorway and slamming into the wall on the far side of the building. Without speaking a word, they each grabbed one of the heavy wooden doors, pulling them closed as fast as they could.

Before they could close them completely, two figures managed to dive through the opening and get inside of the building. Evan and Kaylee managed to force them closed before anybody more could get through, slamming the deadbolt into place before turning to see who had made it though. Kaylee's heart sank as she saw Matthew and John getting to their feet, pissed as hell.

"John," Evan began, holding the gun between them, "If you're in there, I need you to listen to me. Whatever that thing is, whatever the fuck is going on around here, it's controlling you. You need to fight it!"

John got to his feet, helping Matthew up, before scowling at Evan. "Fight divine will? There truly is no hope for you."

They had lost their guns in the struggle, but still, they were dangerous. Deep down, she knew that Evan didn't want to kill either of the men. They weren't in control of their actions, what was happening now wasn't their fault. Evan growled to himself, before lowering the gun slightly and pulling the trigger of the gun. The shot echoed through the hall, and John collapsed onto one knee, howling in pain as blood splattered onto the ground in front of him. The jeans on one of his legs was quickly stained crimson as blood flowed from the wound on his calf. Evan hadn't been aiming to kill, only to incapacitate.

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