Chapter 19 - Predatory Instincts

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Chapter 19 - Predatory Instincts

Evan paused in front of the door to the toilets, turning to look back at Matthew.

"Really? You're want to follow the gay guy into the toilets? I mean hey, I'm flattered, but you're a little too old for me. Sorry man."

Matthew gritted his teeth, before turning around and leaning against the doorframe.

"Make it fast," the man said indignantly as he waited.

Evan didn't reply, walking inside of the bathroom and thinking fast. With Matthew at the door, he'd never get out that way. He needed a way to get behind this building, through the window, and inside of Hale's office. When he'd first used the fence to sneak around, he'd also discovered that the latch holding one of Hale's window panes open was undone. Since then he'd had no reason to use it, until now. Still, he had to get there first.

The bathroom was lined with small windows set high on the wall, and only slightly wider than he was broad. Kaylee would have had an easier time getting through them, and Judie wouldn't have had a problem at all. He'd just have to make do with the situation.

Looking cautiously at the door one last time, he carefully stepped into one of the stalls and climbed onto the rim of one of the toilets. It took him barely five seconds to reach up and undo the window's latch, which he then pushed open as quietly as possible. He reached up and grabbed hold of the sill with both hands, pulling himself up and into the opening awkwardly, head first. It was only when he was halfway through that he realised what the most difficult part of this would be. Getting down.

It was almost six to the ground, and going through head-first would mean landing on his face. Very quickly, he adjusted to turn his body, so that he was facing upward. His arms snaked through the open window first, grabbing the top of the windowsill, which he then used to pull the rest of his body up. He held his breath, slimming his body as much as possible to shimmy through the gap, before, steadily walking his legs down the wall to drop onto the grass with a dull thud.

He waited in silence. Matthew was just around the corner, and any sudden sounds would alert him to Evan's presence. When nothing happened, he turned tail and jogged behind the building. Thankfully, Hale's sermon was still going strong, and his passionate shouting was masking any small noises that Evan made. It wouldn't last forever though. He was on the clock.

He turned the corner, bolting to the fence and quickly pulling at the loose plank. After some prying it popped free, and he laid it to the side while he worked on the second. After considering it for a moment, he decided to leave both boards where they were. He didn't have time to reposition and remove them an extra time.

He slipped through the gap, slowly crawling forward and peeking through Hale's large window. The office was deserted, and he could still hear Hale's voice in the main hall, although it was too muffled to make out anything more than a few scattered words. Still, it meant that he was safe. As long as Hale was absorbed in his sermon, he'd stay out of his office.

Evan reached out, grabbing one of the smaller window frames gently and pulling. It stayed where it was for a moment, but conceded without much effort. He pulled it open, creating a small opening in the large window. Large enough to climb through. He tried not to look down as he moved over to it, but couldn't help but catch a glimpse of the jagged cliff that stretched far down to the lake. Waves washed over the rocks below, churning white. Evan crawled into the office a little faster.

He got to his feet quickly moving instantly for the filing cabinet. He pulled at it gently, but it remained firmly shut. Locked. He cursed quietly, stepping softly to Hale's desk and looking over the pieces of paper scattered there. It was the only information available. There was one file lying open on the desk, and one handwritten letter signed by Hale himself. He began with the letter.

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