Author's Note

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Hey guys and girls, Chris here again.

Okay, you have no idea how hard it is to resist the urge to sing 'Another One Bites The Dust' while writing this. This is another massive milestone for me, and I know I say it in every Author's Note I've done so far, but I really appreciate all of you awesome people who read these stories. This marks the end of my fifth book, and there will be plenty more on the way. In case the cliffhanger wasn't obvious, Kaylee and Evan are definitely going to be making a return in a future book, which is part of a larger project I've been setting up for a year or so now. No spoilers, but it's going to keep me busy writing books for at least five years to come. I'm quite happy.

Anyway, as always, I hope you enjoyed the story a fraction as much as I enjoyed writing it! Kaylee is one of the most fun characters I've worked with so far, and I'm already looking forward to bringing her back to centre stage in the future. Thank you for reading this story, it really means a lot to me. Next on my to-do list of books will be a crime mystery, plenty of action as per usual, and with a whole cast of characters that I've been playing around with in drafts for a while now. Still, I'll try to get more editing done in that time as well, since I need to do some minor retconning and rewriting for the future Argonaut book and Destined For Doom sequel.

If you have any questions, please feel free to ask away, or PM me if you want, and I'll get to them right away. It's about time for me to wrap this up, so here's hoping you have a wonderful day. Smile a little, read a good book, and do something that makes you laugh. Have a good one my dudes.

Peace, you beautiful bookworms.

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