Chapter 29 - A Maid's Echo

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Chapter 29 - A Maid's Echo

Kaylee's eyes moved as she worked, running the scenario in her head for the hundredth time. She looked over the path the attendants would run along tonight, where they would hide, and where Kaylee and Beth would complete their own special assignment while Evan kept everyone organised and loaded them into the truck. It would take some doing, but this was their one shot to get everyone out before Ascendancy. She turned back to the crate in front of her, grabbing onto one end while Beth took the other.

"So, we sneak off when it's game time, and start some fires?" Beth asked between breaths as they lugged the freshly stocked crate of apples out of the orchard.

"Pretty much, but keep your voice down," Kaylee scolded. "We take the petrol you and Evan got, and make a big lightshow. The managers run to the fire, and we get away scot free while they're busy playing fireman. By the time they hear the truck, it'll be too late for them to do anything."

"Good plan, I like it. I get to set things on fire."

"Literally everything about you concerns me," Kaylee frowned, "Remind me never to leave you unsupervised, ever."

"Oh, don't be such a wet blanket," Beth frowned, dropping her side of the crate beside the others that were grouped together at the edge of the orchard.

Three other attendants were approaching. Two boys that Kaylee hadn't really spoken to before, and Judie. She gave them a short nod as they approached, before walking closer and pulling Judie off to the side for a word.

"Hey kiddo, you okay?" she asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine," Judie replied, sounding a little distant.

"Hey, everything's going to be okay," Kaylee smiled, pulling Judie in for a quick side-on hug. "We'll be out of here tonight, and you can be home with your mom again in a day or two. It's almost over."

Judie nodded. "Yeah, I guess."

Kaylee dropped to her knees, looking the shorter girl in the eyes. "Judie, what's wrong? Is it something Hale said?"

"No. It's nothing Kaylee," the girl shook her head. "We still going tonight?"

"That's the plan," Kaylee nodded, "You all set?"


"Good. We'd better get back to work, or the managers will throw a tantrum."

Even that didn't make Judie smile.

"Okay Kaylee."

"Hey, chin up kid, you'll be home soon," Kaylee offered, before standing up again and following Beth back into the orchard.

The two boys grabbed one side of the larger crates each, while Judie settled for a small box filled with apples. Judie didn't even look at her, she hadn't looked her in the eye during the entire conversation.

"What's got her down?" Beth asked quietly as they resumed their work.

"We have to leave Ryan behind tonight," Kaylee muttered back, "We can't break him out and bring him with us. It's hard."

"Sounds like it's really got her down," Beth nodded, "You sure she'll be alright?"

"I hope so. She'll be okay once we all get home. When we're out, we can call the FBI and bring them straight to this place. They'll be able to get him out in no time."

"If you think so," Beth shrugged, "If they're still here when the FBI comes, that is."

Kaylee fell silent once again, watching Judie wander out of sight with her small box of apples. Without even thinking, she raised her hand to the silver pendant hanging around her neck. The two snakes, the Ouroboros that Henry had given her just before she'd come to this place. The metal was, as always, cool to the touch as she ran her thumb across the intricate etchings across the bodies of the twin serpents.

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