Chapter 30 - Firestarter

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Chapter 30 – Firestarter

There was absolute silence as the attendants sat down to what would be their final meal at Camp Driftwood. The atmosphere was almost electric, and even Kaylee and Evan were having trouble retaining an outward look of calm. They looked on, waiting for Hale to begin speaking, as he did before every meal. Kaylee noticed that at Hale's table, one of the seats at his side was empty. A shared glance with Evan confirmed that he'd noticed as well, and they both did a quick headcount It was John. John wasn't here. As he took a short sip from the cup at his side, Hale got to his feet and took a breath.

"I trust that you've all had some time to think over what I said earlier today," he said, "This camp, our entire lifestyle, runs on the premise of trust between both the managers, and the attendants."

Kaylee could barely contain a scoff.

"I would urge you to learn from Ryan Seacrest's example, and be forthright with the managers whenever it is possible. Trust them to do what is in your best interests, and they will in turn trust you to do whatever is expected of you. Without this simple level of trust, we are no better than the godlessness of the outside world. Before taking any rash actions, I urge you to reconsider your stance, and the punishment that follows."

There were a few nervous glances around the room, but nobody so much as said a word. Nerves were getting to them, being so close to the end, but they couldn't stop now.

"By all means, don't let me delay you any longer," Hale continued, his smile thinning and curling slightly at the tips, "Enjoy your dinner, it's a big day tomorrow."

As Kaylee picked up her fork, a loud creaking echoed through the dining hall. The door swung open, and heavy footsteps echoed across the floorboards. Hale's attention immediately turned to the late arrival, as did that of each attendant in the room.

Kaylee turned to see John walking steadily towards Hale, giving the older man a small nod. Hale nodded back, before turning back to the attendants to watch for another moment. As his gaze passed by, Kaylee could swear that he was glaring directly at her, but she then realised that he wasn't. His attention was purely focused on the small girl sitting next to her, who had already averted all of her attention to the plate of beans and meat in front of her. Kaylee watched under the table, and saw the girl's left hand quiver slightly under the pressure of Hale's gaze. Reaching over quietly, Kaylee placing her own hand over it to steady the smaller girl, who started to pick at the food slowly, not taking more than a few mouthfuls.

Kaylee did the same, watching John as he made his way through the centre of the large room. Where had he been? Hale never started meals without all of his people present, so what made tonight different? She took stock of the man as he walked away from her, trying to guess what he'd been up to.

There were fresh black stains on his jacket and hands, though it looked like they had been roughly cleaned before coming in here with water, to limited effect. Oil, maybe? Grease? There were a couple of places in camp with that. He could have been working on one of the broken ovens in the farmhouse, or the containers of oil also within. Working on the vehicles, oiling some hinges, there were too many options to accurately guess the man's whereabouts.

She pushed it from her mind, after tonight it would hardly matter anyway. She'd be gone, and whatever John and Hale were working on would fall by the wayside. All they had to do was get through one meal, then they could begin.

Silently, she heaped her fork with as much as it could carry before scoffing it down. She watched many other attendants do the same, eager to get a good meal in before tonight. Others were doing as Judie did, picking at their food but barely eating anything at all.

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