Chapter 2

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Sharp pains shot through my arm and I jerked my hand away from the bracelet. The pain continued spreading through my body, until I lay on the hard floor writhing in pain. It would stop unless I stopped concentrating magic. And when I couldn't handle it anymore I stopped and the pain began to retreat. I took a deep breath, and let it out. I slowly sat up and got up off the floor. What would do this? Suddenly it clicked, and all the pieces came together. Bellona's words echoed in my head "We need to talk about this Juno" She'd said. I was Bellona's fault. She'd known the bracelet would restrict my magic. She wouldn't have given it to me otherwise. She wouldn't get away with it. Though I couldn't deal with it until she got back from her job at a gothic jewelry store. But she wouldn't get back 'til seven-thirty.

A bus honk floated up from the parking lot six stories below. I cursed then grabbed my pack and stuffed the rest of the granola bar in my mouth. Just as I exited my apartment, it felt like I should remember something. But decided it was nothing, shook my head and ran down the five flights of stairs to the parking lot below. But as I reached the bottom of the stairs no bus waited. I looked at the empty parking lot, very sure I heard the horn of a school bus. Maybe Bellona was right. Maybe I 'was' really going crazy. Suddenly a cloud of dust started to swirl round and round - about ten feet from where I was standing - and materialized into a girl about ten years old, wearing a red toga and roman style sandals, and a huge grin. Her hair had been dyed a light shade of blue, and the girl must have been wearing colored contacts owing to her bright orange eyes. Despite of the weird colors, the girl was actually quite pretty. She thrust her hand out like she wanted to shake my hand and I walked briskly, swerving to the left. She walked sideways, intercepting my path. I walked to the right, and the girl again intercepted my path. I was really starting to get annoyed at this point, so I shoved past her. But as I did so the girl grabbed my hand. I tried to pull my hand away, but before I could, the weirdest sensation came over me. It was as if I was dissolving into dust. I looked down and saw - indeed - the lower half of my body had dissolved and it was creeping up my body, until I was flying weightlessly in the wind. It was the best thing I'd ever felt in my entire life. But then suddenly the world slammed into focus. I stumbled forward, my hand yanking away from the girl's. I wasn't in a city anymore. I was in a forest with tall aspen trees, and a wide cobblestone walkway cutting through. My eyes followed the walkway to a stunning tower, that reached to the same height as the aspens. The most interesting part of the whole place though was the baseball sized spheres of light, floating in the air; lining the walkway.

 I regained my balance, and the girl grabbed my wrist with the bracelet, and yanked me forward starting to skip down the path. I tried best I could to pull away from her vise-like grip, but failed miserably.

"Let go," I protested sternly. She didn't show any sign she even heard me, she just continued skipping down the path. I planted my feet on the ground and refused to move for anything. But the girl was strong enough to pull me further. Which made me trip over my own feet. We reached the entrance to the tower, and the girl pulled into a circular brick room with a lonely, uncomfortable looking wooden chair, directly in the center. The girl pulled me over and pushed me down into the chair. I tried to stand back up but I seemed to be stuck on the chair, and no matter how hard I tried I couldn't get free. The girl started skipping toward the doorway.

"Hey!" I called after her "Are you just going to leave me here?!" The girl didn't give any response as she exited the building, merrily skipping down the path.

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The Daughter of Magicजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें