Chapter 3

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I stared blankly through the arched door frame, not sure I could fully comprehend what was going on. Though I think I really didn't want to. My head was spinning and my wrist was hurting. Something I saw in the corner of my eye caught my attention. I turned my head to see a black cat skulking in the shadows along the edge of the room, it's eyes shining with an eerie yellow glow. It looked like the figuring of a black cat I'd had ever since my parents had died a year before. My heart sank as I thought about them. I was only fifteen when they died, and my only sister had to take the role of my parent at only eighteen. No wonder I was so screwed up. I chuckled at myself. It was not the right time or place to think about it. I had more pressing issues to address. Though at the spot I was at I couldn't really address anything.

The door started to open, and another girl came in. She wore a brown leather tank top, and black trousers tucked into brown leather cuffed boots. Her ears looked like bird wings, though I didn't know what species.

Great, I thought.

Another lunatic that doesn't know what time period it is.

"Nice costume," I said as the girl moved toward me. Her long dutch braided hair swinging back and forth like a pendulum. "Especially the ears,"

"Nice to meet you too," the girl said, like she was trying to teach me manners. She stopped about fifteen feet in front of me and just stood there.

"What are the ears for?" I asked, breaking the silence.

"The ears are the symbol of the Hecaties. And their in the shape of raven's wings, because the children of Hecate's symbol is the raven." She explained.

Then I asked the more obvious question. "Why did the other girl bring me here?"

"Because we asked her to,"

I glared at her and said "That's not what I meant,"

She smiled a knowing smile and said "The simple answer? To protect you from yourself and others. Including your sister who gave you that restrictor bracelet," She gave a tiny nod toward the bracelet.

I looked down at the bracelet "How do know that?" I asked, a little spooked.

"What part? The enchantment on the bracelet or that you sister gave it to you?"


"When an object is enchanted it radiates an different energy with every kind of spell. And how we know your sister gave it to you? Let's just say we know more about you and your life than you could imagine."

I didn't say anything as she walked the rest of the way to where I was sitting and reached a hand out like she was going to touch me, but instead she touched the back of the chair, and I could move again. I sprang to my feet and made an attempt for the door. That plan backfired though as I reached the doorway and hit against some sort of invisible wall or force field. I recoiled rubbing my nose. How had I not broken my nose? At the rate I was running I should have broken it. Though it it did feel kind of spongy as I hit.

The girl strode up beside me. "And that's why we have the force field," She said tapping the wall beside the doorway. She easily walked through and onto the cobblestone walkway.
I slowly put my hand out to see if the barricade was still there. I didn't feel anything, so I cautiously took a step forward, and thankfully nothing stopped me. I walked the rest of the way out and as I did so the girl said, " I wouldn't try getting off the path either. The orbs are creating a force field too."

Just to see if she was bluffing, I stopped walking and touched the air the orbs were, and sure enough, my hand it something solid. Before I continued walking I called, "Where are you taking me!" After the girl.

"You'll see," Is all she responded with. I jogged to catch up with her. Her pace was leisurely, like she was in no hurry to get to her destination.

"Why don't you just do that dissolving thingy to get wherever we're going?"

"We can't do that while in this force field,"

"Why don't we just get to place that's not surrounded by a force field, and do it then?" I suggested.

The girl stopped and turned to me her hands on her hips, and her eyebrow raised, "Uhu, I could also just let you go right now too," The girl looked at me one more second, then resumed on her careless pace.

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