Chapter 9

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My eyes eased open, revealing a twilight sky beyond the window. Sophie sat on a chair at the end of my cot. When she saw I was awake, she stood. The pain in my leg rushed back to me. I looked down at the injury. The bare wound stared at me, looking like it had been untouched.

"Why haven't you done anything?!" I exclaimed.

"I've tried. But everything I do, just seems to make it worse," She defended. She sighed. "The only other option I can think of at this point is, amputation,"

I blanched. "No. There has to be something you can do!"

"That is the 'only' option. Unless you want to die from gangrene,"

There was something wrong with that. How would it get infected to fast?

"I'll take that as a yes then," She said. She grabbed the syringe again, grabbed my arm and stabbed it in all before I could protest. I drifted back under.

A blaring light greeted me as my eyes opened. The sun in it's afternoon glory. A stabbing pain decided to make a home in my leg. I layed spread eagle on the cot, a coarse, gray blanket lay on top of me. I flexed my toe muscles in my injured leg. I pulled back the blanket. I gaped in surprise. My leg was still there. The only thing obstructing it was a full old fashioned, metal, and leather, leg brace. Which looked like a medieval torture device. Ripping my attention away from my leg, I noticed Sophie standing up.

"I thought you said you were going to cut it off?" I croaked. My voice was weak.

"I almost did. But It healed up just enough that I didn't have to, though it might be a little while before you can walk normally again,"

I don't know how long I could go without being able to do anything normally "I can still walk though. Right?"

"Yes, but you'll need to use crutches. the stuff you'll be doing though, won't require walking or standing, "

"What 'kind' of stuff will I be doing?"

"You will see,"

"Yes you will," said a voice to my right. I turned my head to see the girl Corona walking towards my cot.

I sat up on the cot, and a rush of nausea almost knocked me back down.

"So soon?" Vera asked a little surprised.

"We don't have as much time as you may think, Sophie," Corona said pointedly.

They glared at each other for what seemed like an eternity. I cleared my throat, which stopped the two's glaring contest.

"It's time to get started," Corona said, grabbing a pair of crutches from a corner of the room. She walked back over to me and motioned for me to grab them. I looked at her, and Sophie seemed to realize that I probably needed help getting my leg off the cot.

Vera slipped her hands under my injured leg , "This is going to hurt," She said apologetically. In a swift motion she swung my leg of the cot.

Pain. That's all my world was at the moment. Just purely unbridled pain.

"Breathe," A voice said in the distance. A hand touched my back, and my conscience slammed back to normal. At that moment I realized I'd stopped breathing for a few seconds.

I breathed out releasing the pent up air, and the pain quickly faded. Finally I grabbed the crutches and positioned them under my arms. Using them I hoisted myself off the cot, more nausea came with that. I took a step forward, testing out my balance, before I commited my full weight onto the crutches. I took a few more steps, each time I did so, it got more and more easy. By the time I got to the front of the cabin I was doing pretty good.

Corona held the door open for me as we exited the building. Each step took exceading efort. After getting about ten feet away from the building, time slowed, my heart pounded, and red streaked across my vision.

Sorry for the short chapter! It just needed to end there!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2017 ⏰

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