Chapter 5

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I was knocked back a step in surprise then asked "What just happened?"

"Cool isn't it? It's called a selective mirror. Basically what happened was it was enchanted to reflect anything but living things and the stuff they are holding." It was pretty cool.

The girl walked forward motioning for me to follow, but I couldn't make my legs work and the girl had to grab my arm and drag my skeleton of a body forward. After a few seconds I found my legs again and she let go my arm. The place wasn't all that spectacular. Simple log cabins in two neat rows lined the Cobblestone path, which led up to a cabin that was larger than the others. I thought we would go to the biggest cabin, but about two cabins down from there, we turned to a different one and entered. The room was a 20 by 20 room with two bunk beds on either side, and a small desk in between. Which was right In front of the only window for the whole cabin. I followed the girl to the table, where papers were littered all over. She rummaged through grabbing two or three that looked like they were typed on a typewriter, arranged them then handed them to me.

"Read this over real quick before you read in front of the camp,"

I glanced at the papers "I'm what? What is this? And why do I have to read this in front of your camp? Can you please clarify what's going on?"

She rubbed her forehead "I guess now's good time as any," she mumbled "First of all, you're a witch--"

"No duh," I interrupted

"And my society was created to protect and train you in your abilities. Our "race", so to speak, began to be born 10 years before you were born. And since then about a thousand have been born,"

"Wait. I thought you said there was only fifty of you?"

She paled "We don't like talking about that,"

 was about to press for more, but her expression seemed to say "If you ask any more questions on this subject I'm going to kill you, like you killed your sister's pet lizard"

"But... Why do I have to read this in front of everyone? Actually why do I have to read it at all?"

"Because you don't know enough about everything to give your own speech,"

The girl wasn't giving straight answers. "Well then why don't you wait 'til I know a little bit more of everything going on here, then give a speech? In my own words!"

"The people know I went to get you and are expecting you to give them words of confirmation,"

"So basically what you're telling me is: I don't get to adjust. At all."

She smiled "Yep!"

I groaned then said "let's get this over with then."

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