Chapter 6

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We left the small cabin and walked the rest of the way to that big cabin. We entered where a crowd of teenagers were waiting for us. The whole room went quiet and I could feel every eye in the room trained on me. The crowd parted, and the girl pulled me forward. As we walked through a few of the older looking teens glared at me. 

The girl walked me to the a pulpit on a raised platform like a stage in the front of the room. Then she left me at the pulpit to stand with the other teens.
I gulped down the lump in my throat that I hadn't realized had been forming, then placed the papers the girl handed me, on the pulpit.

"I apologize for the great loss I have caused among you," I began, reading from the papers. "I truly feel your loss. I too have lost loved ones." My throat constricted, and my eyes began to water. "My parent's were lost to me as well, and as the same way you lost your parents." Murmurs rose above the crowd.

What loss? Surely they couldn't have lost all their parents in a fire. Could they? My eyes scanned across the paper, expecting to find it saying i was going to fix everything, but no. It just continued on with the apology, saying I would apologize to everyone individually. I glared down at the paper. I wasn't under any circumstances going to read that thing.

I quickly decided the best course of action, and stomped off the stage. I had to leave. No one could touch me as I walked through the crowd. They tried to stop me, but every time they did, something would knock them back, as if there was a force field surrounding me. The room was in chaos, and suddenly a cloud of dust enveloped the room, which only Increased the pandemonium. I stumbled through, somehow making to the door. I ran onto the path then between two cabins to the left, and into the woods. I stumbled through, branches scratching my face. The forest had a damp smell, and the ground was spongy, as if it had just rained, which it probably had. Further into the forest my adrenaline started to run low, and I had to stop to catch my breath. Were they still following me? Or had they given up? Just then, about a hundred feet in front of me, an orb materialized in the air. I walk closed and then I saw that another one had materialized fifty feet to the left. They were trying to trap me!

I slowly walked closer, until I was right in front of the orb. I brought up my hand then placed it to the right of the orb. My hand stopped. Just as I had expected they had created a force field to keep me in. Just to see if I could do anything, I pushed a little magic out of me. Immediately shoots of pain surged through my arm. I'd forgotten about the stupid bracelet. How was I going to get out? Then a word popped into my head. It was the word I'd heard the girl say that revealed the cabins... That was it the girl didn't say rebel she said revello.

I returned my hand to the orb and called "Revello!"

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