Chapter 4

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The girl was not one to be fooled, I could see then. I looked ahead. The path stretched on as far as I could see. "So, how long is it to this place we're going?" I asked.

"About a mile and a half,"

"Than why don't we pick up the pace to get there faster?" I suggested a little annoyed.

"I don't get to walk this path much, but when I do, I like to enjoy the scenery,"

I let out an exasperated sigh. I wasn't in the mood to enjoy scenery. "Why didn't the other girl just take me there?"

"She's not the most responsible with keeping track of people."

"How come I find that hard to believe?" I mumbled rubbing my wrist, and glaring down at it.

She just chuckled then said, "Adira is also deaf. So she wouldn't be able to answer any of your questions so well, and I can see you have a lot of them," She gave me a sidelong glance, and I glared at her.

"You would too if you were in my position,"

She shrugged.

My Legs itched to run, but I wasn't excited to run into another invisible wall; So I resisted the urge.

"Why didn't you just me there without all the transition?"

The girl let out a groan "You really don't know what the word peace means do you?"

I glared daggers at her.

She sighed then explained "I was busy with something at the moment, and we had an opportunity to get you and if they would have waited on me, we would have lost it. "

"So you sent a deaf girl."

"Was the most responsible one that was available,"

"You just said a minute ago she wasn't responsible, "

TI said she wasn't the most responsible. There's lots of others that are less respnsible"

There was a stretch of silence before I asked "So there are lots of you?"

"There's not like hundreds of us . I think there's about fifty now."

"That's... Not a lot, "

"No it's not."

after 30 minutes of walking in silence, I was beginning to wonder if we were ever going to get where the path lead, until the girl said "We're here," stopping. I stopped as well not wanting to hit another force field if there was one. The path still stretched out as far as I could see.

"Um, there's nothing here." I said kind of hoping she would prove me wrong; so I wouldn't have to walk anymore.

"Yes there is. It's just hidden," before I could say anything, the girl took a cautious step forward and placed a hand on a sphere that was larger than the others and whispered something that sounded like "rebel" and a cluster of log cabins shimmered and a cluster of log cabins shimmered into existence. 

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