How do I go back?

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Authors note - "····" = Speach '····' = Thoughts (····) = The author :D



Luffy sat on the Moby head for quite a while

'How do I go back to the future?' was the question in his head right now

He loved being here with his brother alive and well

But, he didn't belong here

He missed his nakama, he missed Sabo, he missed the Thousand Sunny

As much as Luffy wanted to stay in the past with Ace, he knew he couldn't

He had heard Robin and Nami talking about the consequences that would happen if mystery islands powers really worked and if they could really travel to the past

He didn't really remember all the complicated stuff Nami had explained to him 

But, he remembered a few

If they got stuck in the past, the present might change depending on what they do there, or in this case, what he does

There were also a few rules that Nami had drilled into his head just in case they did go back to the past and somehow get stuck there

One, he could not have the world government acknowledge that he was from the future

Two, he shouldn't show his true strength to anyone unless necessary

Three, he could not alter anything in the past no matter what happens

There were more rules Nami had told him but she said he probably wouldn't remember them so he only had to remember these three at the moment

His thought process was suddenly interrupted

"Hey, Luffy!" Ace called out for him

Beside Ace was loaf head and red hair guy

"Hey, Ace!" Luffy smiled

"I wanted to introduce you to some of the commanders! These are Thatch and Haruta!" Ace pointed at the two while saying their names

"Nice to meet you, buddy!" said Thatch happily

"Hi there Ace's little brother!" Haruta grinned

"These two were curious about you and kept annoying me to introduce you to them" Ace teased

"Hey! you weren't even doing anything,to begin with!" Thatch protested

"Yeah! and besides you've never told us you had a little brother in the first place! of course, we were curious!" Haruta continued

"That's because you guys never asked!" Ace yelled back

Luffy just chuckled and hugged his legs up to his chest, he enjoyed the warm atmosphere, they really were like a family, like Ace had told him in Alabasta

Thatch and Haruta turned towards Luffy and cooed

"He's so adorable!" Thatch yelled out

"How could you keep such an adorable little sunshine of a brother from us!" Haruta shouted out

"I wasn't keeping him away from you! Like I said you never asked me if I had a little brother!" Ace protested

Luffy watched as the three continued arguing

He eventually got bored and jumped down from the figurehead and headed towards Whitebeard

"Gurararara, are those brats fighting?" asked Whitebeard as he approached

"Yep, I'm not sure why but it got boring" Luffy plopped down in front of Whitebeard

"Is that so?" Whitebeard chuckled as he took a sip from his sake bottle

Some nurses immediately came and scolded Whitebeard for drinking sake

Luffy wasn't really focused on the nurses yelling at the old man

He was focused on the white fur that was sticking out from behind one of the throne's leg

He was a little confused as the fur started wagging from side to side

Once the nurses stopped scolding him, Whitebeard noticed Luffy staring at one of the throne's legs

"Is something wrong brat?" asked Whitebeard, successfully gaining Luffy's attention

"What's that white moving fur thingy sticking out there?" Luffy pointed to the white fur

Whitebeard looked down towards where Luffy was pointing and chuckled

"That's Stefan" said Whitebeard

"Stefan?" Luffy tilted his head to the side rather adorably

"Yes" affirmed Whitebeard "Come out boy!"

A giant white dog with a mustache came out from behind the throne's leg

Luffy's eyes filled with excitement the moment he saw the dog

Whitebeard chuckled at the young teen's excitement

"Be careful brat, he isn't very friendly and a bit scared with anyone besides me and Marc-" Whitebeard was cut off when the dog suddenly leaped towards Luffy

This gained some of the crew's attention and Whitebeard was about to call his dog back before he bit the young teen thinking he was an enemy, it had happened with Ace when he first met the large dog

Whitebeard stared in surprise as the dog proceeded to lick Luffy's face and nudge against him lovingly

Luffy laughed and petted the dog's head

Stefan laid down his front paws and head in the boy's lap and rubbed his face against Luffy's leg

The crew stared in disbelief as they watched the scene play out

Stefan was never this trusting towards a person he had never met

Even some of the crew members who had been here for a few years couldn't get Stefan to lay in their lap

And yet here was a boy that had arrived from the future a few hours ago, with the dog completely trusting him and laying on his lap

Thatch pouted, he, Ace, and Haruta had stopped arguing when they heard a loud thud and watched as Stefan interacted with Luffy

"This isn't fair! Stefan was never this friendly with me!" Thatch yelled out

"Gurarararara! it seems like Stefan's quite fond of you, brat!" said Whitebeard with a fond smile


To Be Continued

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