The Unspoken Truth

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Authors note - "····" = Speach '····' = Thoughts (····) = The author :D


(This is a re-written version of the chapter, I've accidentally deleted the original chapter, so this is a slightly altered version of the original one)


Luffy played with Stefan until nightfall

They were having a party that night for no reason at all, but according to them, they were pirates and could have a party whenever they wanted, at least that was their logic for having a party almost every week

Luffy didn't really care about the party, he only cared about the meat

He sat in front of Whitebeard and ate his meat happily, the pirates were quite surprised at the amount of food the young boy could pack away

Beside him was Ace, eating just as much as his brother, you could occasionally see them steal meat from each other's plate

Luffy finished his last piece of meat as Ace fell asleep and went face-first into the deck floor

The pirates laughed and continued chatting and drinking 

Thatch and Haruta approached and sat down beside Luffy and sleeping Ace

"Hey, Luffy!" They both greeted

"Hi Bread head! Hi Haru!" Luffy replied

"Haru?" asked Haruta

"Yeah! that's what Ace said your name was! wasn't it?" Luffy tilted his head to the side

"Thatch cooed

"Well, it's Haruta, but I guess Haru is f-" Haruta tried to finish his sentence but Thatch interrupted

"So! Have you been on adventures?" you could clearly see the excitement in Thatch's eyes

"Yeah! my crew and I have been on loads!" Luffy exclaimed

"Your crew? wait, you're the captain?!"

"Yep!" Luffy grinned

Ace suddenly sat up, startling the other 2 commanders

Ace yawned while Luffy giggled

"You have drool on your face, Ace" Luffy pointed out

Thatch and Haruta just snorted

"Shut it!" Ace vigorously rubbed his face

Whitebeard chuckled

"So, what did I miss?" Ace looked up

"Nothing much, we were just asking your little brother about his crew and such" replied Haruta

"Right, you're a captain now, huh?" Ace looked towards Luffy, who just grinned even more

"What kind of crew do you have?" Ace's eyes softened

"Well, there's Zoro! he's my swordsman and first mate!" Luffy happily responded

This caught Vista's attention who was leaning against a wall near Whitebeard's chair

"What kind of sword does he use?" Vista approached

"I dunno! but he uses three! he calls it three sword style or something like that" said Luffy

"Three sword style, huh?" Vista seemed interested

Luffy continued "There's Nami! she's my navigator! she's also kinda scary sometimes" Luffy shuddered

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