Back To The Future

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Authors note - "····" = Speach '····' = Thoughts (····) = The author :D



Luffy woke up to a blinding light 

He felt the ship tilting slightly from side to side

The sounds of the waves hitting against the side

The smell of wood and seawater

Luffy sat up and turned to look at the spot beside him

Ace was still sound asleep, letting out soft snores

He heard murmuring outside

Luffy sluggishly got out of bed and headed towards the door

He walked down empty halls, wondering where the rest of the Whitebeard pirates were

He yawned as he walked out onto the main deck

The rubber captain was greeted with many good mornings 

He walked towards the giant man sitting in the middle

"Good morning, have you slept well?" Whitebeard greeted

"Good mornin', I've slept quite well" Luffy responded

"We'll reach Kurosu Jikan island in about half an hour, you should go and get some food" Whitebeard informed him

"Alright! see ya later old man!" Luffy ran off towards the Galley


"I see it!" Haruta yelled out

"It feels like it was just yesterday that we were here!" Thatch exclaimed

Luffy smiled

He was currently with Ace, Thatch, and Haruta on the main deck

Ace was quietly snoring with his hat covering his face

In all honesty, Luffy wanted to stay here forever

He wanted to stay by his big brother's side forever

But, Luffy knew he couldn't

As much as he wanted to, he just couldn't 

He looked out at the ocean as Kurosu Jikan island became closer

Just a few more minutes and he would go back to the future

Just a few minutes until he says goodbye to his brother for the last time again


"I guess this is it!" Ace exclaimed

Luffy simply nodded his head

The siblings currently sat in the middle of the deck, beside Whitebeard

They had finally arrived at Kurosu Jikan island and it was time for Luffy to go back

Ace noticed his little brother's weird behavior a while ago

After they had breakfast, Luffy's been acting unusual

He had been too quiet and not as energetic

It was strange, but Ace decided against asking questioning the younger

"How do you go back though? Is there a portal your supposed to go through or something?" Thatch questioned as he approached

They were silent for a few seconds thinking about the question until they heard a familiar voice answering the doubt

"According to past 'time travellers', a cross-shaped mist is supposed to appear and It should take you back to your original timeline" Marco stated

"A cross-shaped mist? That's a weird thing to just appear out of nowhere" Vista spoke as he walked up to them

"This is the Grandline, anything and everything can happen" said Thatch

"Yeah, I guess" Vista responded

"Oh! I think I see it!" Ace suddenly shouted

"That looks scary" Haruta approached

"Yeah it sort of does" Marco agreed

A purple-ish colored mist was slowly approaching the ship

"Wait, don't you think it's coming a little too close?" Luffy spoke up

" is" Thatch said

The mist was coming at an incredible speed and had already engulfed the tip of the ship

"I don't think this was supposed to happen" Whitebeard spoke as the mist engulfed them completely

It was dark, very very dark

There was no light source

The pirates were confused and a few crew members came to ask what was going on

A sudden light blinded everyone

When they opened their eyes again

They were on the ocean

But, it seemed different

Kurosu Jikan island was nowhere to be seen

The waters were way too calm for the Grandline

"Oh my god..." Marco suddenly said

"What?" Vista questioned

"We...we're traveling to the future"









To Be Continued

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