A Marine Encounter

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Authors note - "····" = Speech '····' = Thoughts (····) = The author :D



Once the pair reached Ace's room, They entered and Luffy sat down on Ace's bed, Ace followed and sat beside his little brother

They both stayed silent for a bit

"Luffy?" Ace broke the silence

Luffy kept his head down

"Lu, tell me the truth, how did you get that scar?"

"I've already told you, Ace, I got it from a war" Luffy spoke out nervously

"I know there's more than that, Luffy" Ace crossed his arms and stared at his little brother

"I can't tell you" Luffy replied

"Why?!" Ace yelled out

"You shouldn't know about the future" Luffy answered

"But I-!"

Luffy interrupted Ace before he could complain

"You'll know in the future, Ace" Luffy sighed

Ace stayed silent

"I'm tired, goodnight" Luffy laid down and fell asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow

Ace sighed and pulled the blanket over his little brother

He sat beside Luffy's sleeping figure and got lost in his thought process


The next morning Thatch was walking towards Ace's room to wake him up for breakfast and then try to find the rubber boy, he didn't exactly ask Ace where he had assigned his little brother to sleep, so he was also going to ask him after waking him up

He knocked on the door

"Ace, wake up! Breakfast is ready!" Thatch called out

There was no response

'Huh, that's weird, normally he would instantly wake up at the mention of food'

He knocked again

"Ace?" He called out again

No response

Thatch sighed "I'm coming in, Ace!"

Still no response

Thatch walked into Ace's room to find quite an adorable sight

Luffy was curled up beside Ace and one of the older brother's arm was thrown over the younger boy

You could hear the soft snores coming from the both of them

Thatch couldn't help but coo at the sight, the sibling pair looked adorable

He took out a camera from his pocket that he had acquired earlier from Izo and took a picture of the brothers, 'This will be great blackmail material for Ace' he thought while silently snickering

Once was done taking the picture, he shook Ace to wake him up

"What?!" Ace screamed as he sat up

Thatch chuckled "Nothing, just wanted to tell you that breakfast was ready and ask you where your brother was, but I guess that second part isn't necessary anymore"

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