A Familiar Figure

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Authors note - "····" = Speech '····' = Thoughts (····) = The author :D


The Whitebeard Pirates were sailing through the New World like any other day, they were currently heading towards an unknown island which the captain had taken interest in the moment he heard of the name of that island "Kurosu-Jikan" island. Rumors spread over the seas that you can travel into the future for brief moments if you ever arrive on that island.
Of course, Marco just thought that it was stupid and no way in Oda was that real, but since he had a stubborn father and brothers who he couldn't say no to, here he was, traveling to an inhabited island because of the stubbornness of his family.

Marco just sighed as he looked at the horizon, he could see a tiny bit of the so-called "time-traveling island" where the times crossed or whatever dumb stuff Thatch had made up about it. Thatch had been the most excited about going to that island, he told some of the theories to Ace and Haruta and eventually got them to convince everyone else about going there.

Marco just sighed again and looked towards the deck. 

Most of the crew was either sleeping, talking, or telling jokes to one another. As for the commanders. Ace, Thatch, and  Haruta were currently drawing on Blamenco's face as he slept, Jozu, Blenheim and Fossa were talking, Izou was discussing something about clothes with Namur, Whitebeard was sitting on his chair and watching all of his children, the rest of the commanders were probably doing paperwork in their rooms.

Everyone was relaxed until a crash was suddenly heard throughout the deck, everyone immediately tensed and turned to see a slight dent on the deck in front of where Whitebeard was sitting and some dust in the air, it seemed that something had fallen down from the sky, well to be specific, someone.

The commanders that were on deck quickly approached their captain and put up a defensive stance to protect their captain and father from the potential enemy who just fell onto their ship.

The dust was clearing and it revealed a young man looking no older than 20 with a red cardigan opened to reveal a nasty 'X' shaped scar and some blue knee-length shorts with some fur on the edges. On top of his head lied a very familiar straw hat to a certain hot-headed fire user.

The figure groaned and rubbed his head, the dust was completely cleared by this point and Ace gasped before he screamed out,



>-To Be Continued-<

A Cross Between Time | One Piece FanFictionजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें