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Authors note - "····" = Speach '····' = Thoughts (····) = The author :D



Luffy sat on the railing with his feet hanging off the ship

He pouted as he admired the wide ocean in front of him

He had bandages around his torso and was prohibited from any sort of activity that might open the stitches on his stomach

That meaning he could basically only sit, lay on his back, or walk around, no running

He thought that was extremely unfair, it was only a little stab!

"Oh, come on, Lu" he heard and sensed a familiar presence approaching him

"Cheer up! you only have to wear the bandages for a few days" Ace sat down beside him

"It's not fair! It wasn't even that big of a deal! just a little stab!" Luffy protested

"Luffy, the sword stabbed through your small intestine" Ace told him

"Crocodile's hook was much worse than that!" Luffy yelled out unconsciously

"Crocodile? the warlord!? what did you do this time, Luffy?!" Ace screamed out, gaining the attention of some crew members on deck

'Frick' Luffy cursed himself and his tongue for always spilling information out

"N-nothing..." Luffy looked away from Ace's intense stare

"Luffy..." Ace pressured

"I totally didn't fight Crocodile" Luffy said as he whistled 

The Whitebeard pirates facepalmed

"What the hell were you doing fighting a warlord?!" Ace grabbed Luffy's shoulders and shook him back and forth

"He took over Vivi's kingdom! I had to help her!" Luffy stopped Ace from shaking him up any further

"Who's Vivi?" Ace asked confused

"A friend of mine" Luffy simply replied

Ace just sighed

"What am I going to do with you?" Ace spoke out

"Shishishi!" was the response Ace got

They sat there together talking for a while


Two days later

It was after lunch when Luffy noticed something, was wrong

He started feeling weird, he felt a bit lightheaded and extremely tired

Whitebeard looked towards him a bit concerned and called him over

"You okay brat? you look a bit pale" Whitebeard asked

"I'm fine, just a bit tired" stated Luffy

"Maybe you should get some rest" Whitebeard suggested

"Nah, I'll probably be fine" Luffy weakly grinned up at Whitebeard

Whitebeard was about to say something when a certain loaf head chef came running out to the deck

Behind him appeared the second division commander, his body and shorts covered in paint and fire licking his shoulders

"THATCH GET YOUR ASS BACK HERE! I'LL FUKING FLAME YOU!" Ace screamed out as he chased the head chef around the deck

Luffy just laughed as he watched Thatch run full speed towards them and hide behind Whitebeard's chair

"Don't hide behind Pops, Thatch!" Ace yelled out

Thatch just poked his head out and stuck his tongue out

Whitebeard chuckled

"Now now son, calm down, you can chase your brother around later" Whitebeard said with a sly smirk

"Pops! you traitor!" Thatch looked up at his adopted father with hurt eyes

Ace sighed and burned off the paint on his body and clothes

"Your safe for now Thatch" Ace glared at Thatch, who just yelped

Luffy just chuckled at the scene

The fun didn't last for long though

Luffy started feeling pain in his chest and coughed repeatedly

Ace, Thatch, and Whitebeard looked over at him

"Luffy? are you okay?" asked Ace as he put a hand on his shoulder

Thatch and Whitebeard stared worriedly

Luffy covered his mouth with both of his hands and lunged over slightly, coughing worsening

Ace looked extremely distraught

Ace panicked, even more, when Luffy fell onto his knees

"Luffy!" Ace kneeled down supporting his little brother

Luffy was still coughing non-stop

Thatch immediately went to look for the nurses

Luffy felt like his entire being was burning

Every fiber of his body felt painful and uncomfortable

He felt like he couldn't breathe properly and his throat was itchy as hell

By the time Thatch came back with some nurses

Luffy couldn't hear very well anymore

His vision was slightly blurry 

His body felt like it was being torn apart

Ace was still panicking

He took Luffy and put him in his lap

Even more panicked ensued when Luffy suddenly went limp and the coughing stopped

Not even a second later Luffy jolted up and started coughing like crazy again

This time it was even more violent and everyone around them stared in horror as Luffy started coughing out large amounts of blood

The nurses instantly pulled Luffy out of Ace's lap and carried him to the infirmary


To Be Continued

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