my first lucid dream!

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So last night I had my first ever lucid dream. It was only for a moment, but it was a start.

I went to sleep around 2am and did nothing special, I just fell asleep imagining I was having a conversation with Jerry. Around 7 I woke up and went to the bathroom and wrote down my dream. I had dreamed that I missed my final for a class, which was not fun, but I wrote it down and went back to sleep.

I had some more dreams, but the one I remember best is the last. I was in my high school and we were trying to get away from someone who was trying to shoot us (can you tell I'm gen z when I say i was more scared by the prospect of missing my final than getting murdered). Anyway I have no clue who I was with, but there were 2-3 of us. We team into a lady straight out of the 60's but left her (I think we told her to hide don't worry) then we met a man named Don. He was also straight out of the 60's, and he helped us. When the man started shooting he closed the door and helped us get to the gym.

When we got to the gym there was a pe class in there marching and chanting 'senior spirit.' I was looking around the gym, and I realized it was the old gym. At my high school we have a main building and a gym building, but the gym building wasn't built until 1960 (and I go there in my dr from 1956-1959) so we used the old gym, which was inside the main building. Once I realized we were in the old gym I realized I was dreaming, and I felt myself take control. I could feel I was there, consciously, but naturally I got really excited. I told myself to stay calm, but I kinda opened my eyes and it all faded away. Regardless I am SUPER happy! Just having had that moment of lucidity showed me that I am capable and my efforts haven't been fruitless.

I must have been trying to lucid dream for two months now, and I've been trying to shift for three, so for everyone out there in my position where you've been trying for ages and it still hasn't happened, it will. It WILL. I can't tell you when, but I know it will. The way I see it, the universe knows when will be right. For some people it's not a matter of motivation or belief in shifting, it's a matter of whether or not it's the right time, and every time you don't shift, it's just because it wasn't the right time. It doesn't mean the right time will never come, you just have to keep going and you'll make it. That's why I like lucid dreaming so much, because almost every night it feels like I get closer. If I remember anything from my dreams it feels within my grasp, and especially last night. I DID IT. I didn't have to do anything but go to sleep and know that one of these nights it would happen, and now I'm that much closer to getting to my DR.

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