My Script

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This is a sample of my script, I have cut out some parts, or altered them for anonymity, but it is a script I would use to shift.

Please enjoy my alterations (the underlined parts) if you can tell I was hungry.

when i enter my desired reality i will smell cinnamon and feel a warmth in my chest

i will be able to open my eyes and wake up in my desired reality when Hermione tells me to get up

i will wake up in a spare bed in Ginny's room in the burrow. It is the morning we leave for the quidditch world cup. Hermione will eventually come wake me up, telling me that we're going to be late. I will hear Fred and George causing a raucous above me, getting ready. I will hear Molly below me cursing at the pans, I will smell bacon wafting up from the kitchen.

i will be able to distinguish my desired reality from my current reality with ease

i will be generally happy in my desired reality, although i will feel all the emotions a normal person experiences at the appropriate times

i will not die in my desired reality unless i reach an old age and have lived a long, fulfilling life in my desired reality, and i choose to welcome death

when i return to my cr i will not carry any mental or physical trauma experienced in my dr

if i do die in my desired reality i will be returned to my cr, although i can return to my cr at any time by saying 'my mischief is managed'

when i leave my dr i will be able to return to the moment i left, or another if i chose to shift to a different time in my dr

nobody in my dr will die unless they are meant to in the Harry Potter world with the exception of Fred Weasley, who will not die in the Battle of Hogwarts

most people i meet in my desired reality will like me, unless they have reason not to (for example death eaters)

though i have relationships scripted, if i have different feelings, or people in my dr have strong feelings for someone else, relationships may change, but everyone has a happy outcome whether it follows the script or deviates

when i leave my cr a clone will take my place but will sleep unless i should be doing something else

i will have a high pain tolerance in my desired reality

i will not die or be badly injured in my desired reality, any pain i go through will be normal and not life altering/threatening

i will have clear skin and un-problematic periods in my desired reality with no cramps and no leaking, if i have my period at all

in my dr i am pretty, and many people find me attractive

i am a natural legilimens and can always tell what people are thinking, once snape discovers this he begins to train me in legilimency and occlumency

No matter what year it is our clothing fits the current styles in my cr, everyone dresses as if it is 2020 whether it's 2019 or 2013

my name is Sonya Alone, born April 22, 2002 in Seattle, Washington

I have brown hair and blue eyes, long eyelashes like my Dad, when i am young my face is round, but it begins to thin out when I lose my baby fat due to the amount of stairs at Hogwarts

I have brown hair and blue eyes, long eyelashes like my Dad, when i am young my face is round, but it begins to thin out when I lose my baby fat due to the amount of stairs at Hogwarts

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