what is okay to script?

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One of the things that is often controversial within the shifting community is the morals of scripting and what is okay for you to script, especially in regards to the people in your DR. I'm going to briefly remind you that the people in your DR are REAL people that have real feelings, so PLEASE don't hurt them or treat them as disposable. Try to be careful with peoples feelings and script kindly, if you want to break up with someone in your DR script that they are able to move on and have a happy life after you. If you want to shift to a DR where you have to kill or hurt people, then please at least script that anyone you may kill is actually evil and has nobody who will be devastated at their death. That's my two bits on that, I know a lot of people post about it and write on it, so there's a lot of advice out there for you in that department.

What I want to focus more specifically on is scripting that may indirectly hurt people and how you should look at this. Keep in mind that this is my perspective and if you don't agree with me then that's fine, I just want to say what I think.

I'll be completely transparent, there are some things in my script that will cause people in my DR to suffer. One such example is the death of Len's brother, Dan, which will happen about a year after I shift. I know it will hurt Len. It will hurt his parents. It will hurt me, and Lens kids and grandkids, but I scripted it anyway. Because it's real. Dan really died at 18 in this reality, and in my DR it is no different. I just want everything to be the same as it is in this reality, except with me there.

Something else I scripted that could be more controversial is the death of Jerry's mother. It is something that really happened in this reality, but I have scripted it for 10 years earlier. It may be a little selfish of me, but I really don't want to have to see Jerry go through that, because if I were to let it happen at the same time as it did in this reality then it would happen while we were sophomores in college, and I just know it would kill him to not be home with his brothers.

The most controversial thing I have scripted is about Jerry's father. Before I get into it I want to say that I am a very nurturing person. One of the things that makes me feel the closest with someone is being able to help them through something difficult and be there for them. A lot of the relationship I have scripted with Jerry is based in him trusting me a lot and feeling he is able to confide in me, and me being able to comfort him. I don't want to get into details of my script, but Jerry's father is not a good man and they do not have a good relationship. Although I do have my suspicions that this may be based in reality (in this reality) because of some things I've discovered through my research, I can't claim that I'm scripting it because it really happened.

I definitely wrestled with this before I actually put in because I wasn't sure how moral it is, but here's how I think of it.

There is a reality where Jerry's father is bad to him. There's a reality where his father is his best friend. I'm just choosing to shift to the one where he isn't, but when I do shift there I'll be able to comfort him and help him through it. I don't feel that I'm making it happen to him, I'm just choosing the reality in which it is so that I can be there for him.

I think the difference in scripting morally is your role in other people being hurt. If you are the person hurting them then take caution with your scripting and try to spare them as best you can, but if they are hurt by other people or events in your DR then there's less reason for guilt (of course if you're scripting that someone has been through something really traumatic but have no intention of helping them or scripting that they can cope healthily then there are some moral issues there).

Maybe I feel a little defensive about my scripting because my DR is significantly up to my own interpretation. I don't have the plot line or characters of a movie or show to structure my script, I just make it up by piecing together what I do know already. It's not considered immoral to script that Harry Potter's parents were killed when he was a baby, so why would it be different for me to script that Jerry's mother died when he was nine?

The point I want to stress about scripting is that you aren't making things happen. You're not some god going into a universe and molding it to your liking, you are picking a very distinct reality to shift to. So when you script something like the death of a friends parent you aren't god. You aren't killing their parent. No matter what you script that reality still exists where their parent died, you've just chosen to go to that one.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2021 ⏰

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