My Experience

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Here is my own story, I want to share what I felt with each method I tried, what works for me, and what doesn't work for me.

The first time I tried shifting I had only done a small amount of research, but I had seen a tik tok describing the heartbeat method and after writing out a primitive script I tried it.

First I found a video of a heartbeat that was about 20 minutes, but it was way too fast and I couldn't relax. I found a different one that was a bit slower and put it under my pillow, and hugged another as I focused on the beats. Once I started feeling very calm I imagined Fred Weasley getting up and leading me to a door. He said "Welcome home" and I imagined stepping through that door into bright light. I began to feel tingling all over, and my body felt as though it were buzzing, however I started thinking to myself that I was still in my room, I could feel the pillow in my rms and hear my fan, and the ringing faded away.

This is one of my main challenges, when I start to feel something I unintentionally try to figure out if I'm still in my current reality or if I've shifted, and by the time I realize and tell myself to focus I've stopped shifting. You have to make sure to stay focused, don't pay any attention to what you feel, just keep visualizing and repeating your affirmations.

The next method I tried was the Estelle method. I laid on my back and played "O'Children" by Nick Cave, then imagined dancing to it with Fred. I tried to visualize what I was wearing, what he was wearing, what room we were in, every detail I could. When the song ended I imagined him walking me up 100 steps (which I believe is another method, I may have combined the stair method, raven method, and estelle method) when we got to the top there was a door, and he said "You are going home" when I opened the door I imagined golden light streaming through, and as I lay there I felt more tingles, saw bright white lights, and felt like I was being lifted. My heart started beating super fast and I started to worry about how fast it was beating, so I took some deep breaths but by the time I had calmed down I'd stopped shifting again.

I tried the Raven method two times, both times I counted to 100 then affirmed and visualized my DR. The first time I heard footsteps and voices coming from above me (I was visualizing myself in the burrow with Fred and George getting ready in the room above me, in my CR i am on the top floor of my house) but I started thinking it could be something outside. Both times I tried to fall asleep and payed in that same position for about two hours before getting too anxious about not moving and rolling over to sleep normally.

Personally I am realizing I need to find a medium where I do not need to fall asleep on my back, but I don't anticipate feeling a conscious shift so much that I psych myself out.

Next I plan on trying the heartbeat method with my new knowledge, and if I shift while awake then I shift while awake, and if I have to keep affirming to myself that I have shifted until I fall asleep and wake up in my DR then that is what I'll do.

My Shifting Realities ExperienceWhere stories live. Discover now