on emotions..

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So I think one of the biggest rumors about shifting is that you can't shift if your vibrations aren't high. Translation: if you aren't happy before you attempt, you won't succeed. This is just not true, and here's my take.

Of course when you attempt to shift it is ideal for you to be in a good mood, if you're upset or angry you'll probably be thinking of other things, but I think there's a certain emotional plane that benefits shifting.

I'm not advocating for you to upset yourself thinking it'll make you shift, but I think a healthy emotional attachment to your DR can help.

In the times of covid I find myself feeling empty a lot of the time. It's as though emotions just don't happen, and it may be a combination of the isolation from my family (moving away to college) and isolation from people in general. Things that used to upset or excite me don't have any effect anymore. Last April when my favorite hockey team traded our goalie I cried. Last week when we traded our best defenseman, nothing.

I find I feel closer to my DR when I feel emotional about it. Happy, sad, or anything in-between. It really dawned on me on December 26. Christmas music went off the radio and I can't stand the overplayed pop music, so I finally went back to my spotify playlist. My spotify playlist consists of a bunch of songs from Harry Potter tiktok, as well as other songs that make me feel something, and I listened to it for HOURS. My favorite: Marjorie by Taylor Swift. It has so many meanings to me. I think of my own grandma obviously, I wish I could be with her (but I can't thanks to covid). I think of my grandpa, Len (especially at 'long limbs'). I even think of Jerry, his mother's name was Marjorie (I say was, she dies before the day I shift to). I can listen to that song once and tear up.

I also like to use the emotions I feel, when I feel them. I assume most of you have been upset or sad about one thing and let it carry on to another, and that's what I do. For example I watched an episode of Downton Abbey the other night, a sad episode, and obviously I cried because the writers chose to rip everyone's heart out. But I took that, I thought about the episode at first, then I thought about Dan. I let myself be sad, but I also turned that sadness towards a sadness I feel in my DR. I let the lines blur. Is Sonya sad? Or is Peggy?

I guess my point here is, I think there's a balance between being happy before you shift and being emotionally connected before you shift. Both work.

This can also be a tool if you want. If you're feeling emotional, maybe upset or angry in your CR, try and think of a situation on your DR where you feel that emotion, and make yourself be emotional for your DR, not your CR.

The truth is, you are your only limit. If you think you can only shift if you're happy then you'll never shift unless you are happy, but if you think you can shift however you feel it'll come so much easier.

(also thank you for 10k reads!!)

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