Chapter 1

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Selena and her 3 year old son, Kyle, stand beside the graveside of her husband. It's been 7 months and she is a pregnant widow. If it wasn't for her son and the baby in her belly she would have killed herself. She feels a hand on her shoulder,she jumps. It's her mother-in law. She give her a small smile.
"let's go Selena, you have to get to work" her mother in law whispers and takes Kyle's hand.
Selena let's KY go with his grandma and drives away to get to the diner. Long hard shift, her feet hurt and she is exhausted physically and mentally. Noone understands her pain.
She clocks out and gets in her car. On her way to home she sees headlights getting to close behind her. She looks forward again and the headlights seem to be passing her. Phew! Next thing she knows she is sideways off the road. She hears a bike rip by. Nobody cares she thinks. Silence follows. A minute later she hears the motorcycle again but it stops. She hears footsteps then sees a giant of a man. He uses his phone, then grabs hers from outside of the window. She can't hear him. An ambulance a police show up and she passes out.
At the hospital she awakes to be told her leg and wrist are broken but her baby is OK.

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