Rodi 0.2

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Claude blinked in confusion. How could it be that his mother could not see the boy standing beside him.

The boy looked deeply offended.

"Imaginary friend? Those things are fake. She is your mother? She crazy! She rude! Are you also crazy and rude?"

Claude blinked and tilted his head while being deep in thought. His mother couldn't see the boy in front of him and his mother was not an actress. Maybe he really had made an imaginary friend.

The boy must be an imaginary friend since he had dark transparent crystal horns on his head and light lilac hair and magenta pink eyes.

"Oh, oh! I know what you are thinking! I am as real as I can be!"

As if he read Claude's mind, the boy snapped as growled at him. Claude took a few steps away at the vicious growling.

"I am Rodi, the fairy!"

Rodi proudly introduced himself as he flaunted away his physical beauty which Claude nodded in agreement. Rodi was pretty. No, 'pretty' did not do justice to Rodi's beauty. No word could.

"Yes! Keep looking at me like that!"

Rodi cheered at how Claude's eyes twinkled when he looked at him.

"So, Claude right?"

Rodi asked as he analyzed Claude from head to toe. The prince nodded his head as Rodi skipped around and examined him.

"I see, this is how humans look like... it is not that different from what I look like except they don't have wings, branches and horns."

Rodi hummed and turned to look somewhere. To Claude it looked like Rodi was looking at nothing but it was clear that Rodi was looking at something that was flying.

"Gale, are all humans this dirty and bony?"

Now that Claude thought about it, were fairies not smaller and had wings?

"I see... so humans can be many different sizes... ah, so this one is not a healthy human..."

Rodi turned to Claude.

"Why are you not healthy?"

Claude did not know how to respond. How could say to a person — or fairy — he first met that his father, the emperor of the country, did not care what happens to him, the empress, who hated him like it was her job, had control of his daily life and was leaving him hungry, and his mother only cared not getting on the empress's bad side since she had no power inside the palace. It was his brother would give him snacks now and then but he was way too busy with his official duties and lessons.

"I-I don't kno-know?"

Claude answered without thought and when he realized what he had answered he felt embarassed at how dumb it was. It was more embarrassing to haveRodi frown at his dumb answer.

"How can you not know about yourself? It is also Gale's first time in the human world, so he is also not sure how to make you healthy."

Claude wanted to explain to Rodi that he did not have to worry about his well being but Rodi was in his own world talking to himself.

"Wait, if I don't know and Gale does not know then we only have to study! Papi said if there is something I don't know then I just have to learn it! Okay, Claude, I am staying with you to learn the ways of the human!"

Claude did not have a choice in the matter.


"Gale, look at this cerberus size house! I didn't know humans used this kind of house as a home of their own."

Claude paled a little but was still amazed at the information Rodi was giving out.

So there are cerberus in the place Rodi comes from. If he is treating my palace as a dog's house then the place he lives in should be bigger than my palace.

Claude made a mental note. The prince could not say much though. His palace was the smallest and oldest in the whole royal grounds.

"Why do you live in such a small and old house, Claude?"

Rodi asked without consideration of how Claude would feel.

"If I remember correctly, which I do since I am a mighty fairy, that thing with absolutely no tact said you are a prince."

The fairy did not even try to call her the prince's mother. He was downright calling her a thing as if she was hideous creation. Claude wondered who really had no tact but did not mention anything about that. The young prince wondered if the fairy was taught any manners.

"Shut up, Gale. I know you're curious as well!"

Ah, they were probably trying to teach him but had miserably failed.


Claude awkwardly spoke up since he never had the chance to speak to someone his age. He was excited but at the same time doubtful.

"What? What do you want to ask?"

Rodi asked impatiently.

"I thought... fairies had wings... not... um... horns?"

"Yeah. Fairies have wings. My father and big brothers have wings!"

Rodi agreed. By then, someone would catch on that Claude meant to ask how Rodi was a fairy when he had horns and not wings but the 'fairy' in front of the prince did not seem to catch on to the hidden message.

"What? He was asking why I have horns and not wings?"

Rodi frowned. It seemed like Gale was explaining the real question.

"Why is he beating around the bush? Huh? It seems like it is human noble etiqu-what? What in the world is that?"

The said to be fairy huffed and sharply turned to Claude who flinched when Rodi glared at him.

"Look here, Claude. Let me tell you what real etiquack is! You speak your intentions clearly! If you don't tell them what you really think or ask what you really want they will think it is something else and misunderstand you! Also, it gives me a headache trying to solve an unnecessary puzzle."

Claude submissively nodded.

"Okay, so what's the real question?"

"Why did you say you are a fairy when you have horns and not wings?"

"I won't answer that, now where is the food? I want to try human food."

Like that, Rodi evaded the question and turned around and entered the palace without Claude. It looked like he owned it more than Claude did. The prince did not if he should be troubled by Rodi's attitude towards him as a prince or troubled that Rodi — the beautiful and shining fairy — had set his feet on his old and small castle that had hardly any value.

Claude decided he should feel both as he followed after Rodi.

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