Rodi 0.3

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Rodi made himself comfortable on the bed and looked at the 'food' Claude had brought in a basket. There were many questions running through Rodi's head. He wondered which one should ask before deciding to ask all of them.

"What's that?"

Rodi asked as pointed at the food inside the basket.

"Bread... and fruits."

"Yes, I am aware of that but why do they look like some kind of disease got infested into it?"

Claude shifted from foot to foot.

"It's the only thing brought to this castle..."

Rodi frowned.

"The only thing?"

Claude nodded which Rodi sighed dramatically.

"Why are you the one bringing it to your room?"

Rodi waited for Claude to answer but the prince only looked away and had his lips sealed tight. The self-proclaimed fairy felt irritated at not having his answer.

"Where are your servants? Are you not a prince? The room looks old too, are you sure this is your room or are you pulling my leg? Are they bullying you? Have you told your mother? Never mind that. That thing does not have the quality of a mother."

Gale twinkled at Rodi, telling him to stop but Rodi pushed Gale out of the way and watched how Claude trembled as if holding back. The self-proclaimed fairy was aware that he was nicking.

"Then what about the father? Have you told your father? If it's your father then he must be a king or an emperor. My dad is the Fairy King of Spring so when someone bullies me, I always tell him and he goes to yell at them. Well?"

"My father... He didn't want me and I decided I don't need one."

Claude finally spoke up. His voice was sad. His eyes were glued to the floor like a sad puppy and Rodi could only whistle at the unfortunate human in front of him.

It was weird how a human baby was saying he did not need a father. Rodi was 5 spirit years old but in human years, he was 50 years old so he was an adult in human's eyes. He was an adult and Rodi still needed his father.

Humans were so weird. It was obvious that this boy needed parents since Rodi needed his own as well but parents were people who treated their children like babies. Right?

Claude's parents did not seem to be treating him like one so they could not be parents but Claude needed parents.

Wait... Rodi was 50 human years old. He was an adult in the human world. He could be Claude's parent!


Rodi hummed as he rolled off the bed and stood in front of Claude.

"What do you mean?"

Looking up in confusion, Claude had his eyes wide. Huffing out in disbelief, Rodi pointed at the rotten food inside the basket Claude was holding.

"You are still... I think 5 years old. Papi said that I am still a baby until I reach 30. In order words, you are still a baby until you reach 30 so you need an adult to take care of you."

"But... I will already be an adult before I turn 30. Also, I am 7."

Claude explained. He would already be an adult before he even turned thirty but Rodi, the fairy, nodded in agreement.

"I know, so you are a baby until you are 30."

Claude paused for a second, trying to get the situation straight. He was getting confused and could not follow Rodi's logic.

"I guess it is a hard topic for a baby to understand."

Gale, who had heard Rodi, twinkled, "You are a baby yourself."

"Shut up, Gale."

Rodi snapped at the small fairy and turned back his attention to Claude — who was still dumbfounded in confusion.

"What's the worry? Your father does not want you? I am 50 human years old! I am old enough to be your father!"

Rodi exclaimed as he pushed out his chest proudly which caught Claude by surprise.

"50 years old?"

Claude had whispered out. The prince wondered if the fairy was joking because it was a horrible joke and it was not funny.

"Yes! Now, call me papi!"

The prince had to take back the thought of the latter joking. He looked very much serious if those expectant magenta pink eyes didn't hint any.

Gale pulled Rodi's ear to which the fairy child ignored.

"Come on, call me papi!"

... Claude wondered if it was okay to call "papi" a person who was 50 years old but looked like a 5 years old.

Suddenly, there was a loud growl and Rodi became silent. Claude blinked a few times but Rodi had hardly reacted.

Claude then realized it was not his stomach and turned to look at Rodi. The fairy was stunned before his eyes watered which surprised Claude.


Claude felt sweat forming on his temple as Rodi began to cry. At a loss of what to do to stop a child from crying, Claude remembered what Rodi was egging him to do.


Claude felt his cheeks burn but he would live. It was not the embarrassing "Papi" or "Papa" nor was it as strict as "Father."


It was Rodi's turn to be dumbfounded and Claude felt like his face would burn to crisp the longer Rodi stared at him in silence. Suddenly, Claude felt his heart squeeze as Rodi stretched his lips into a wide smile. His eyes were still teary and a bit reddened. There was a tint of red on his cheeks as well.

Had anyone ever looked at him with such happiness that beamed out so mesmerizing?

Claude placed a hand on his chest. His heart was still beating but why was it beating so fast?

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