Rodi 0.5

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Claude was at a loss of what to do.

Rodi, his self-proclaimed father, was pouting in his bed and refusing to look at Claude.

What exactly drove Rodi to this state?

Well, Anastasius had offered dinner and Claude did not refuse when Rodi was throwing a temper tantrum of "DON'T GO!" and "REFUSE THAT HORRID THING!"

During dinner, Rodi was hissing and yelling at Anastasius. It was as if something was taunting Rodi and the prince had no idea how to console someone but in reality, Rodi was just being a real pain the ass when something didn't go the way he wanted.

"I'm sorry..."

"Everyone can say sorry!"

Gale twinkled.

"Gale, you go back to Papi! I want to go home!"

Claude grew alarmed and grasped onto Rodi's garments.

"What? You cannot leave me."

"I obviously can since you won't listen to me!"

Rodi huffed and refused to look at Claude

Gale sighed and flew away. Probably to proceed with what Rodi wanted. Alarmed, Claude threw his body on Rodi and clenched onto his garment.

"I'm sorry! Please don't leave me!"

Rodi pursed out his lips in displeasure.

"I'll be good! I'll do anything so don't leave!"

It was then that Rodi let himself grin and sit up from his place.

"Really? Really? You'll do anything?"

In fear of displeasing Claude and in hopes to have Rodi not leave, Claude nodded while Rodi cheered in happiness, and jumped out of the bed.

"Then read this with me! I've been dying to read this with someone!"

Rodi ran to one of the dressers and opened it to pull out a well-hidden book. Claude tilted his head in confusion. Did he ever have a book hidden in his dresser? He didn't remember that.

"I stole it from a knight. He looked very constipated and nervous."

Rodi sneaked as he ran and jumped on the bed. Both children were very curious and Rodi opened the book very excited.

"I took him so well."

Rodi began to read.

"It was painful since it was my very first time but I loved the feeling it gave me. The burn that I felt when his thing was pushed into me and how blazing hot his thing was inside me.

"It hurts," I cried but I didn't want him to stop and as if he knew how I felt, he pushed forward.

A gasp, a cry, a sound made it out from my lips..."

Rodi paused for a moment and tilted his head.

"What in the world is "his thing"?"

Rodi turned to Claude who shook his head, also clueless about the content of the book. Huffing out his frustration, Rodi threw away the book and brought out another book, a children's book this time, and opened the middle of it.

"In despair of his loss, as a last goodbye, the prince kissed the princess.

Then a miracle happened. The princess slowly opened her eyes.

"Why are you crying, my prince?" she asked.

The prince was so overjoyed. His sincere love was able to break her curse and save the princess's life."

Rodi paused again and turned to Claude.

"Claude, have you kissed?" Rodi blurted out his curiosity and Claude shook his head.

"What? Poor you!"

Claude raised a brow in confusion. Didn't adults kiss each other only if they loved each other?

"I kiss my Papi! It is a way to show your affection, Claude."

Claude gasped in surprise. It was rare to see someone kiss another and it was even rarer to hear someone say it out loud. He had never seen his father kiss his mother or the empress. Heck, the emperor did not even try to make his way to them.

"Ah, right. Your parents are clueless about giving affection. It's alright! I'll give you lots and lots!"

It all happened fast. Rodi sandwiched Claude's face with his hands and leaned in. Their lips pecked each other before separating.

Rodi grinned in delight but Claude felt his face slowly burn.

So that was a kiss. It was weird and warm and quick. It left a sense of disappointment that it was over too soon.

"See? It was not too bad right?"

Rodi giggled as he started to pepper kiss Claude's face and the prince wondered if this was normal as he felt his face get increasingly hotter but how weird, why did Rodi's hand feel scorching hot?

Alarmed at Rodi's temperature, Claude shoved his hand forward onto Rodi's forehead and gasped in surprise at how hot Rodi's forehead was.

Rodi tilted his head in confusion but maybe tilting his head was not the best idea. The fairy felt like the world was spinning and before he knew it, he was laying on the bed. What was going on?

"You're burning!"

Now that Claude had mentioned it, Rodi did feel like he was burning. This was the first time he was feeling so hot. He never thought his head would be so heavy but at the same time like it was floating. The world kept spinning.

"Claude, you're so loud..."

Rodi groaned as he curled up into a ball. He suddenly felt too sensitive about everything. The blankets under him felt extra soft but at the same time thorny. The fairy was slowly getting scared about what was going on and felt like crying. He suddenly wanted to see Papi but did not have the energy to pick himself up.


Rodi whimpered and hadn't realized he had his eyes closed and when he opened them, Claude was nowhere to be seen. 

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