Rodi 0.6

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When Rodi opened his eyes, he was greeted by an extremely annoyed face of his older brother, Geminas.

"Big brother?"

Rodi called out rather surprisedly.

"You little idiot."

Geminas scolded as he flicked his younger brother's forehead, who yelped in pain.

"Don't hit him!"

Rodi flinched at the harsh tone and turned to look at Claude, who was glaring at Geminas. Geminas apathetically looked at Claude but bowed his head.

"Of course, your highness."

Rodi gasped in shock. His big brother, THE Geminas, had bowed his head!

"Big brother, are you sick?"

Geminas twitched and smiled rather brokenly at Rodi. He looked constipated.

"What are you doing in the human world, Rodi? Is father aware?"

Geminas sighed as he leaned and started to touch Rodi's neck as if he was inspecting something.

"Father is most likely aware that I am not in the mythical realm and might start searching the human realm?"

Geminas sighed longer once more as he kept inspecting Rodi's neck.

"You are like this because you used an insane amount of mana to complete the contract. You have to rest because you only have a spec of mana in your system."

Annoyed, Geminas messed with his hair and glared at Rodi.

"Just how unbreakable did you desire for your contract to be? You are tied to your contractor!"

Rodi had no idea what his big brother was blabbering about. The little fairy was tired and sleepy and sick. Just who in the world would glare and nag at their sick family.

... Oh, there was one, his big brother Geminas.

"Darn it."

Rodi cursed his fate.

"Father is not going to take this well..."

"He doesn't take anything well."

Claude, who was quiet and listening in to the conversation, spoke up.

"He will be okay?"

Geminas raised a brow and nodded to confirm Claude's relief.

"Yes, your highness. The idiot will be back to normal once he replenishes his mana which will take about two days."

The corner of Claude's lips slightly tilted up and his cheeks reddened a little as he turned to Rodi.

"I will take better care of you. I'm sorry for not listening to you."

Rodi huffed and nodded as if that was obvious.

"Yes, you should listen to me! Next time I tell you not to spend time with that horrid thing, you better not!"


Geminas called out in warning.

"You got to speak more respectfully. He is the prince and your contractor."

Rodi tilted his head to the side, an action he did when he did not understand something. Geminas was about to explain and nag but Claude raised his hand to stop him.

"It's fine."

With that, Geminas sighed inwardly and stepped back.

"I would be grateful if you could teach me about the contract and the related things about it."

"Of course your highness. Would it be acceptable for this subject to come every Friday?"

"I'll allow it."

"Very well, your highness. I will be on my way now that I am aware that my brother is fine."


After that day, Geminas kept his promise and arrive at Claude's small castle every Friday. Some people started to look down on Geminas for seeing the thrown-away prince but Rodi's older brother did not care for what other humans said about him and if they started barking at him, then he would just muzzle them up with words.

Another thing was that now, everyone could see Rodi that the contract was finalized. Everyone was so surprised when they thought they saw a demon and screamed "DEMON!"


Rodi would be surprised as well and start looking for one as well but after realizing there was none, the little demon fairy glared at them.

"Liars! For lying, I shall bestow you all punishment!"

From the ground, a large but creepy tree grew and the vines that hung from the tree warped around the "liars" body and they hung from the tree for five hours. That was five hours of delayed work and five hours that their work had piled up. The people didn't call out a "demon" anymore would shriek every time they looked at him.

For some reason, Rodi had become best friends with the emperor. The demon fairy called the emperor by his name with no fear. People who heard him would either faint or gasp.

The royal family had absolutely no idea as to why or how they become best of friends except for the two involved.

At first, everyone was on edge that the 2nd prince was gaining power since he had the support of Geminas and had formed a contract with the self-fairy. The emperor was no different so he had planned to try and exterminate the fairy during the time Claude was having a lesson with Geminas. Claude was so alarmed when he had heard the news and had run to Rodi hoping to make it in time to help him only to find that the emperor and fairy were laughing out loud and enjoying their time.

Claude had even witnessed Rodi riding on the emperor's shoulders and the emperor running around. There was a whole uproar when the emperor had thrown a water bubble at a noble he hated. The impact was heavy enough to throw off the wig the noble was wearing and reveal that he was bald. Rodi laughed too hard not because the noble was bald but because of his misfortune and how ridiculous the situation was.

The empress was not pleased with the situation and tried to take care of the matter with her own hands. She met Rodi and returned furious and flustered. Rodi had flipped her dress up and everyone saw her underwear.

Claude was at loss but... as long as Rodi was safe then everything was fine.

Today was another day when the emperor and Rodi were venturing out of the palace to cause mischief.

"Your highness, are you listening?"

Claude had increased his lesson with Geminas. Arithmetics, law, magic, theory, etc. were added into Claude's schedule and the amount days Geminas had to arrive at the castle had increased. The emperor had upped Claude's studies so he could play with Rodi. Who was doing the Emperor's official papers? Rodi seemed to know but wouldn't say.

"The contractor will summon a fairy with their mana and when they do a door or portal will appear in front of the chosen fairy and the fairy will use it to get to their contractor. It is the fairy's choice to accept or not and if they do accept, they will choose their mana to form and finalize a contract. The amount of mana chosen to form a contract is very important. If the fairy has used little to none, then the contract is easily breakable and the fairy will not be affected. Now, if the contract is formed with an extremely large amount of mana, then not only is it not easily breakable, but they give their whole being to their contractor and if the contract is broken, it could end the fairy."

Claude furrowed his brows in worry because he knew that Rodi had depleted almost all his mana to finalize the contract. Rodi seemed to have absolutely no idea of this and didn't seem too interested in it either.

"You could tell them to bark and will bark."

The young prince would never tell Rodi to bark... though maybe only once?

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