Rodi 1.1

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After Rodi wore his robes, he laid down on his bed and picked up the mirror that was on the bed. He was currently watching over Claude. It was his favorite pastime.

Claude got big very fast. Rodi was not sure how many times had passed in the human world and Rodi was displeased to not be there to watch him grow.

In such a short time, many things had happened to Claude. Erik had a girl with Napoleon Fish lips become Claude's partner and said partner had copulated with the monster inside Claude's brother.

How dare she look at another man!

Rodi sent a fairy he created, Cess, and sent her and Gale so that Cess could give that stupid human a huge pimple on her nose. The demon was very satisfied and enjoyed how that stupid human was so embarrassed to even go out. Out of spite, Rodi made Cess give the human girl another one in her bum.

Just a few days ago, Claude was preparing for war to end the monster. Rodi smiled when he saw Claude. His son was smiling for the first time in a while. Rodi wondered just what was making him smile and then he saw a woman with light blond strands of hair. They smiled at each other as the blond woman choose some robes for Claude.

The demon frowned.

Now, who was this other stupid human girl getting all chummy with his son?


These days, Rodi was in a bad mood. Everyone in the spirit realm could tell that the demon was in a horrible mood. He spent days not coming out of his place and when he did he would scream out his frustration. Something about, "Who is that human!"

Today was another day where Rodi was grasping at the mirror. He could not believe his eyes. Rodi had absolutely no idea when Claude had copulated with that dumb human but they must have had because the human had a swollen stomach!

His son got someone pregnant! Now Rodi understood why his father was so against him copulating. Claude was his!

"How could you!"

Rodi yelled in frustration and threw the mirror to the ground just as the Red Dragon, Rodi called him Ruby, entered his space.

"What's got so hot, Rodi?"

Ruby asked as he flopped down on the bed beside Rodi.

"My son got a stupid human pregnant!"

Rodi heatedly complained as he punched the bed while not minding that Ruby had gotten behind him.

"Calm down."

Ruby nibbled on Rodi's ear. At the sudden stimulation, Rodi gasped out.

"Stop that."

Rodi weakly mumbled.

"Cannot do that. Fairy King gave me the permission to do anything as long as it distracted you."

Being pushed down, Rodi was on four, with his face against the sheets and his behind up in the air. Being taller and bulkier than Rodi, Ruby completely towered over the smaller one. Holding down Rodi by the wrists, Ruby started to nibble on Rodi's nape.

"You know, every offspring will one day leave the nest, and also, you shouldn't forget that time flows differently for humans. He probably forgot about you."

A sting nailed down on Rodi's chest at every word Ruby spat and the worst thing was that Rodi could not give a come back because he also agreed but wanted to deny. He didn't want to believe that Claude had forgotten about him.

Rodi shuddered when he felt Ruby's hands undo his robe and let it slide down his skin, exposing his naked self. Ruby leaned down and left kiss after bite as he moved down. Rodi sighed out at the tickling feeling and softly cried out when a wet appendage wiggled into him. With his mind going blank, Rodi could only feel Ruby wet him and the strange but addicting feeling.

Ruby moved away and enjoyed how Rodi was melting under how

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Ruby moved away and enjoyed how Rodi was melting under how. Now, finally, FINALLY, Ruby would be able to mate with Rodi. How he wanted to have Rodi. Ruby shamefully had to beg and beg for the little demon and Fairy King would always reject him until Rodi had become angry with this human. Ruby thanked the worthless human because now Rodi was his.

Ruby took his length out of his robes and rubbed it between Rodi's buttcheeks and Rodi shuddered in anxiety and anticipation. Ruby grinned and lined himself up until, suddenly, a magic circle had appeared below them and Rodi sank through it.

Both were startled and dumbfounded. Just who had summoned Rodi at such an important moment?!

Rodi was gone like that and Ruby started where Rodi used to be. Rodi was finally going to be his... The Red Dragon never wanted to cry as much as he did now.

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