Rodi 0.7

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What really happened between the Emperor and Rodi

A man with golden hair and crystal blue eyes had stepped into Claude's room uninvited which made Rodi raise a grow. How rude.

"Did your parents not teach you that doors are to be knocked before entering?"

Rodi protested without care as the servants gasped and the emperor raised a brow. The plain disrespect that Rodi was showing was not to be tolerated but the Emperor knew, spirits' common sense was not to be compared to that of a human's.

"I was not taught by them."

"Well, whoever taught you did not do their job and if you are self-taught then you did not do a good job."

The emperor raised a brow at the insolent demon. IT dared to question his upbringing and his being!

"I am the emperor of this country! There are no doors I cannot open without knocking."

"That's what everyone calls no manners! Even I have manners even though I hate it!"

Rodi huffed as he crossed his arms and he didn't even seem to notice how the emperor was being flustered with anger.

"I am the emperor! I can do what I want within my country!"

The emperor roared and Rodi jumped in surprise at the sudden volume before he frowned distastefully.

"Here, drink this and calm your ruffled feathers."

Rodi offered a cup of tea he concocted himself. He had absolutely no clue that the emperor considered throwing the cup at Rodi but endured and drank it.

"Ah, wait."

Suddenly, as if remembering something, Rodi was going to stop the emperor but, the content within the teacup had already flushed down the emperor's throat.

What Rodi had suddenly remembered and the emperor was not aware of was that anything that Rodi concocted, there was always a consequence for other people but Rodi. The tea Rodi had created made Rodi feel happy which is why he called it a happy tea but when he had harmlessly offered it to an archangel, the angel's mind had turned to the age where he was most happy but being a celestial entity, the effect wore off.

Rodi's father had spanked Rodi one time (it was just a tap) and severely scolded him (it was just nagging). Since then, everyone in the other realm was aware of Rodi's tea and never tried it even if offered. Since they refused even if he offered, Rodi always had halfheartedly offered hence, he had forgotten.

Rodi was afraid as to what would happen to the emperor since he was human. Would the effect wear off?

Patiently waiting for the effect to take place, Rodi readied himself to either run and hide or escape and hide. He didn't want his bother, Geminas, to catch the news and come and scold him.

"Where am I? I don't remember my room to be so... unhygienic."

Rodi stilled. Oh dear, what did he do?


The fairy demon carefully greeted as if trying not to set off any alarms.

"Why hello. Who might you be and where am I?"

"I'll answer you if you tell me how old you are..."

The emperor nodded.

"I guess we have a deal. I am fifteen years old!"

Fifteen years? Then it wasn't even that long! Rodi sighed in relief.

"You're in Claude's room. You gave him this room. Remember?"

The emperor tilted his head in confusion.

"Claude? Who's that? Why would I give such a horrible room to someone?"

Rodi tilted his head in confusion as well.

"Well. Claude was your baby but I adopted him so he is my baby. You cannot take him back!"

The emperor laughed happily as he pushed out his chest in pride.

"How noble of you to have adopted someone at your age! Seeing that you are not human... As the prince of Obelia Empire, I thank you for taking care of one of my subjects!"

Rodi was silent for a moment. He liked this emperor more than the angry and rude one before. Maybe it was not a bad change.

"I like you!"

Rodi confessed.

"I like you too!"

The emperor reciprocated the feeling.

"We are best of friends!"

They both declared with open arms and the was the scene that Claude had arrived to.

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