Rodi 0.4

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Claude found himself to be extremely busy. Not because of his princely duties — he did not have any — but because of his fairy-self-proclaimed-father, Rodi. He had a fairy father to catch.

Rodi loved to prank on the servants, knights, empress, and emperor. For some reason, Rodi did not bother the crown prince and Claude was only grateful because that was one less person to look for and he was so busy looking for all the other people in the Palace.

He once witnessed Rodi grow a root so the empress would trip over it and fall. It happened during a tea party.

She had called Claude to the tea party to verbally abuse him and sometimes create "accidents" to physically abuse him alongside other noblewomen.

Rodi had followed him and like always, no one but Claude could see Rodi. It was a wonder why only Claude could see the self-proclaimed fairy. Rodi was stealing a few cookies while the women were ignoring Claude's existence and Rodi would sometimes shove a piece of cookie into his mouth.

It was when the empress felt like she wanted to have fun that chaos had stormed in. She had "accidentally" thrown a cup of hot tea towards Claude. Rodi had reflexively pulled Claude and the cup had crashed against the tree behind. Angered by the fact that the teacup did not hit Claude, the crazy woman had the gall to pick up the teapot while the others were muttering amongst themselves about how Claude was disrespectful.

Rodi huffed in anger and waved his hand. Suddenly, the clear ground had grown a root and the empress's foot got stuck. She had awkwardly fallen and pulled on the table cloth to help her balance. Unfortunately, all the desserts for the tea party were thrown to the grassy ground and the empress became the laughingstock of the season.

The emperor was furious with the empress for tarnishing the royal title.

Claude could only watch in amazement as Rodi laughed like a mad child.

The second prince could not forget how the fairy pranked the maids that came and left food. Some maids took pity on the young prince so Rodi did nothing to them but to the ones who enjoyed the prince's misfortune, Rodi let himself have the time of his life.

One time, a maid had thrown the basket full of spoiled food. Just before the basket reached Claude's toes, Rodi had used magic and flung it right back toward her face. The maid screamed in horror and Rodi pushed her as she took some steps back. The maid fell and Rodi grabbed a spoiled bread and proceeded on shoving it into her mouth.

Another maid had only brought a spoiled apple for Claude to eat. This time, Claude was unable to witness what Rodi had done to her but apparently, the maid woke up crying and screaming and puking. The woman was traumatized and could not move at all. It was like her limbs were rendered useless. The second prince asked Rodi what he had done.

"Me? I did nothing but give her a sweet dream!"

Rodi pouted and claimed innocence. Claude knew that Rodi was far from innocent.

Anyhow, maids had stopped giving Claude spoiled food and Rodi seemed to have mixed feelings about it. He was happy that Claude was finally getting the food that he needed but at the same time, he was in a dilemma of running out of people to prank on. Hence why Claude was running around trying to find the fairy because they were playing tag.

"Come on Claude! Catch me or you will be my pillow for the night!"

Claude did not mind being a pillow for Rodi. The problem was that if he acted like he did not mind then Rodi would find something else which would annoy Claude or find someone else to play a prank on. Claude didn't want that. He wanted Rodi to pay attention only to him.

"Claude~ "

Rodi snickered as he flew up to the ceiling making it impossible to catch him. The prince stopped and tried to catch his breath while looking up at the giggling mess of his self-proclaimed father.

"Dad, that's not fair."

"I read in a book that life is not fair! So, I guess for humans, life is not fair and since you are human, you have to learn that life is not fair. I am not human so even if life is not fair, I just need to make it fair."

Claude wondered what in the world Rodi had in his head but nodded either way and accepted Rodi's logic. He was about to call him out again until he heard a familiar voice from behind.

"Claude, what are you doing over there?"

Claude turned around to see his older brother, the crown prince, Anastasius de Alger Obelia.

"... Big brother."

Anastasius approached Claude with a worried expression.

"I heard from the maids that you were running around in the Empress's palace. I thought they were just spreading rumors to get you in trouble but to think you're running around in here. Let's get out now before mother finds out."

The older brother sighed and was about to grab Claude's hand to guide him out of the Empress's palace but Claude suddenly felt an arm snake around his neck and another hand reach out to Anastasius from behind and that same hand slapped away Anastasius's hand.

"Who do you think you are to take what's mine away!"

Rodi hissed as Rodi's legs wrapped around Claude's hips.

Anastasius flinched away at the sudden impact and looked around for the cause of it but there was no one around but Claude standing in front of him.

"Shut up! Don't touch what's mine and how about you leave the child you're tainting alone as well!"

Rodi kept on hissing and Claude started to worry. With who was Rodi speaking?

"Claude, let's go already."

Anastasius turned around and started to lead and Claude followed cautiously even as Rodi tightened his grasp around Claude. Concerned about Rodi's alertness, Claude idled a little to put some distance between him and his brother.

"Dad... what's wrong?"

Claude whispered.

"Claude! You have to be far! FAAAAAR away from that thing!"

Rodi yelled on top of his lungs as he pointed at Anastasius.

"Tha-That thing you say... He is my brother..."

"Not your brother!"

Rodi complained and groaned in desperation.

"That thing! THAT!"

Even so, Rodi insisted about there being a 'THAT' but Claude couldn't see it and Rodi... just sucked explaining.

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