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Mia's POV


By the time the sun starts to set, El and I are ready to go. Unfortunately elves don't have makeup, but El insists that I 'looked beautiful.' Okay El. Okay.

Instead of doing some fancy braid I just do two small fishtail braids from the pieces of hair close to my face and tie them behind my head, leaving the rest hand down in a straight, silky curtain.

Looking in the mirror in the bathroom, I just stare at myself. Sure, I've told myself that I'm pretty before, and I think I am. But I look see my face so often I start to pick out impurities, even ones nobody would notice. It's hard when you're surrounded by beings who are literally perfect to not judge yourself. But, then again, my eyes look different. They look more determined, like I have a stronger will now that I have a stronger body. I'm grateful for what my training has given me.

"Wow, it actually doesn't feel that cold," I remark as El and I walk down a path lit by lanterns, the glow of the sun dropping past the horizon at our backs.

"I know," El says, smiling. "Winter dresses have layers and special materials that make them absorb and trap heat. Plus the cloaks." Elanil tilts her head to the side, smiling.


"Hear that?"

I start to shake my head, but my new elf senses pick up a few high pitched notes in the distance, and muffled voices.

"The party's already started," I say, excitement fluttering in my stomach.

"Yep. Just so you know, this is probably not like parties you've been to."

I scoff- I hardly went to any parties on Earth that didn't include birthdays. My town isn't very big.

"The music is all by a live band, of course- they play harps and fiddles and flutes- It's really fun. We're outside all night, and we dance all night. There's food too."

I let out a happy sigh and nod. That sounds like fun.

A few minutes of walking later we arrive, and a grin immediately spreads across my face. In front of me is what would probably, on a normal day, just be a clearing of snow. But tonight it is full of elves.

The main dancing and conversing goes on under a huge pop-up tarp canopy, that's clear enough to allow us to see the cloudless night sky, covered in stars just appearing. The tarp has lights floating against the ceiling. As we get closer I realize they aren't lights, they're fireflies, winking yellow as they lazily float around.

The floor is no longer snow but a large square of smooth wood, where people stomp and jump to a melody being played by a band of elves in the corner. There is another, smaller canopy to the side that covers tables of food, and I spot elves eating and sitting at tables on the ground and in the surrounding trees. Small candles held by intricate bronze lanterns stand on posts around the place, giving the atmosphere, which is getting darker by the minute due to the setting sun, a cozy and welcoming feel.

The upbeat music fills me up, makes me feel light and energetic as I see all the elves dancing in their tunics and fancy dresses, bright smiles on their faces. I turn and beam at El.

"This is amazing!" I say over the music that is somehow loud without any microphones. Elanil smiles and nods. A few voices call El's name, and I watch as three elven girls dressed in matching pastel dresses run up, their long blond hair flowing behind them. They speak in elvish to El and she nods, turning to me.

"Mia, we're going to go dance, want to come?"

The three girls smile at me, nodding. My heart swells at the kindness they all express, but I shake my head, smiling gratefully at the group.

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