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Mia's POV


My hand slips into Knox's and he guides me into the crowd of elves slow dancing to the music. It's just like dances on Earth; some people are stepping in a choreographed way, others just swaying. I spot Elanil, dancing with Halion, her face lighting up with laughter as they talk to each other. I smile subconciously.

Once we step around a few people Knox stops, hesitating for a second. If I didn't know how confident in themselves elves are, I would think he's a little nervous.

We keep our left hands together, Knox resting his other hand on my back. I put my right arm on top of his, my hand resting on his upper arm. I've never slow-danced with anyone before, but Knox seems to know what he's doing, taking small steps back and forth. I copy him, looking past him at the other people dancing in order to get my heart rate back to normal. Should I look at him? Would that be awkward? It shouldn't be. I also notice a few elves, mostly girls, glancing over at me and my partner. I can't help it- I look down and smile. Who would've guessed the newbie halfblood would be dancing with the Prince.

Well, technically I am a princess. Ex-princess.

The music plays softly in the background. I'm acutely aware of everything at the moment- how his hand rests on the small of my back. How warm the air in between us is- and how close we are to each other. His smell, like fresh air, cedar wood, the forest, maybe a bit of cinnamon. The music combined with the feeling of Knox's strong arm around me has any unease melting away, leaving a content yet energetic feeling inside me.

After a few seconds I decide to be brave and look back at him. He's looking over my shoulder, but slides his eyes to mine when I look over.

"So, how long have elves been doing this? The Solstice, I mean."

"Hmm... I don't even know. As long as I've been alive, as long as my mother has been alive. A long time." He closes his lips in a small, soft smile. I nod, taking a deep breath and letting it out in a sigh.

I glance up at the ceiling, at the fireflies lazily bobbing up and down under the clear canopy, the stars glittering. It reminds me of when I was little, and my mom and I drove to a hiking trail on a mountain and hiked it as the sun set. By the time we got to the top it was dark, and the stars were so bright I just lied down and looked at them for hours. As we walked back down my mom pointed out fireflies, and I remember commenting that they were like 'ground stars.' My mom had laughed, agreeing and holding my hand as we headed back to our car.

Suddenly I can feel the lump building in my throat, and I can feel my eyes about to become misty. I quickly tear down the memory. I don't want to think about home now. I don't want to cry now, on this perfect night.

"What is it?" Knox says quietly, obviously noticing my discomfort. I bite my lip, debating whether I should shake my head and keep dancing. Whether I should tell him or not.

"Just... I got a memory. Thinking of home. Stupid," I sigh, looking at him. His amber eyes shine in the lantern light. It's completely night now, but the full moon above us casts the whole world in a cool, creamy blue glow.

"It's not stupid," Knox says kindly, squeezing my hand comfortingly as we continue to dance, moving aside as a pair of elves dance past, laughing. "You must miss it."

"Sometimes, yeah. Mostly just my mom." I don't always miss Earth itself. I like it here, a lot. I just miss my mom. It's only been a little under a month since I left, but still. I wonder what she's doing right now.

Knox nods.

"You know, I don't know what kind of fate brought you here, or what will happen, but I know that you're here for a reason. And you will see your mother again. I promise. I-" He pauses, as if trying to find the right words. "I'm glad you're here, though. I think your dad would have liked you to see his home. No matter what happens, you'll always be welcome here. And If you need anything, I am here for you Mia."

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