30 - Knox

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Knox's POV


Fin's death is still in my head. I've been trying to think of who did it, but nothing comes to mind. There are so many thoughts swirling in my brain as I pace my room. I'm worrying about the war, but also trying to figure out this Fin thing. On top of that, I haven't seen Mia in a while, and I can feel something off about it. Did I do something? I feel like she's trying to keep her distance, which confuses me. If anything, I need to talk to her more now.

An hour later I'm sitting on my bed, still mulling over thoughts, when I hear a knock at my door. Sliding off my bed I walk over silently and open the door. And there is Mia. She looks uneasy and has my bow in her hand.

"El told me to give this to you."

I absently hang it up next to my cloak, and when I turn back I notice Mia's face. Her eyes are far away, eyebrows scrunched, mouth turned down in a slight frown. It looks like she's remembering something, and I have a feeling I know what.

"You're not still thinking about that, are you?" I ask. She shrugs. I blow a short breath out of my nose. I didn't want her to see Fin, she doesn't need more problems. I feel a bit bad, but quickly tell myself to stop. It's done, now she's here. I haven't seen her in a while, so I'm glad she's here.

"No, if course not," Mia replies, finally looking up at me.

Her green eyes shine like the fields during our summers- bright green, alive.

"I'm sorry that you had to see that, by the way. Elanil was right." I think back for a second to earlier today, and almost shudder at the look of horror on Mia's face. I hope I never have to see it again.

"It's..." She trails off, looking at the ground and chewing her lip. She's not okay, I can tell.

It's almost as if I move without thinking, and in a second I'm sliding my hands into hers. I feel the warmth travel through my fingers and spread.

"You know if you ever want to talk about anything, I'll be here, right?" I tell her seriously. Mia never meant to come here, and she shouldn't have to go through any pain while she's here. I wish she could just enjoy it. Earthe is a truly beautiful world.

When we look at each other, I feel my heartbeat in my chest. There's something in her eyes, in the layers of green and spots of brown, that is unfamiliar to me, yet somewhere I understand it. Then her expression changes.

"What?" I ask, not able to stop myself.

After a minute, she answers, "I just... Why me?"

"What do you mean?"

I know that we both know what she means. I'm curious, though. Why would she say that? I don't know all that much about what is being communicated between us, but I know that no one has quite had the effect on me that Mia has. I understand why but at the same time I'm still figuring it out.

"You know what I mean," she replies quietly. I nod the slightest bit. But I want to know what possibly makes her question herself.

"Like, why like me out of everyone here? I'm just some half human girl who came here, started a war, whatever. But me? I don't get it."

She doesn't get it? How can she not get it?

"Mia," I start, but she's already pulling away, distancing herself like she has been these past few weeks. Like putting a few feet between us will make a difference in how I feel. She could be on Earth- in another dimension- and it still couldn't change how I feel.

"Like, I'm not perfect, my face still gets all red sometimes, I have freckles." I can tell she's starting to stress herself out, and I'm just in a bit of shock. To me, her freckles are unique and beautiful. Her rosy cheeks, the redness sometimes on her face, makes her look more alive.

"Mia, stop," I say, knowing she'll drive herself away from me even more if she keeps talking like this. When all I want is to be closer. At this point, I've finally figured out what I've been feeling, and have accepted it. And I think she feels the same way.

"And, god, on Earth every boy sucked, and I thought 'why would anyone like me?' Like, really, why? Especially here."

I take a few steps towards her, not sure what to do.

"I'm not very strong compared to elves, I get scared easily and I'm selfish sometimes."

Is she serious? Everyone has flaws, and I know she knows that. She must be too deep in her own head. I've been there. Does she actually think she's not good enough for me?

"I mean, I'm kinda pretty, okay, but all the other elves out there are perfect. I just don't get it. And maybe this will make things awkward and I'm sorry, but I just-"

She pauses, still pacing. I touch her shoulder, but she keeps pacing. I say her name. Maybe I just need to be blunt, just ask.

"Are... Are you asking if I have... Feelings for you?" I ask. That's to put it into simple, Earth terms. I'm not even sure how to explain it in an Earthe way.

I've never talked to anyone about these kinds of feelings, this is a whole new terrain for me. But I'm willing to venture there. Mia takes a step back, and for a second I'm scared I did something wrong.

"I- I mean, yes," she stammers, clearly embarrassed. She has no need to be, because I can feel the joy, and maybe a little bit of nerves..? Rising inside me.

"But," she continues, "Oh god I'm sorry, we can still be friends, obviously. Yeah, no, of course, of course you don't have feelings for me. Why would you-"

"Mia," I interrupt. We're standing closer than I'm used to, but neither of us back up. There are no nerves, only a hot feeling in my chest, like the feeling of an arrow barely scraping by you, an adrenaline rush. But this is different from training.

I want to show Mia that she is worth more than she thinks. How could she possibly think she's not pretty, or selfless, or anything else she just said. She's kind, I've seen it. She puts others before herself, I've seen that too. She's strong and has a will of iron when she needs to. She's beautiful. There's an easy way to show her what I'm feeling.

So do it.

So I do. I pull her towards me and press my lips to hers.

And suddenly that tension that's been building between us just disappears.

My whole body warms up at her touch, at the feeling of her arms wrapping around my neck. Of her lips, soft and gentle.

I press my hands to her back, pulling her closer as colors dance behind my closed eyelids. The only emotion inside me that I can feel is joy, and a bit of relief as well. Relief that'd we've both finally admitted what's been building between us.

This is real. I promise myself in this moment that I won't let go of this- ever.

I'm going to hold on tight. For however many of thousands of years I live.

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