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Mia's POV


I can't believe I'm jumping into a whirlpool with a stranger. In December. After being chased by weird long-haired maniacs with bows.

My whole life has gone to complete and absolute shit. To think I was supposed to be going shopping for dresses with Lizzie tomorrow, worrying about what color dress to buy instead of saving my own life.

My whole life I've read books. Usually fiction, fantasy, adventure, the occasional non-fiction. But I loved reading about characters who went on crazy, harrowing adventures, jumping from cliffs and having powers and running from bad guys.

Now I know that books and movies are much more fun to read and watch than to live. All of these characters are always so brave and daring. I am not. I wanted to cry before I even found out that the guys breaking into my house were looking for me. I want to go back home.

But I can't, because I'm flying through the air into a whirlpool of winter cold water.

For a second, right when we hit the water, it's so cold I can't breathe. Can't think. But a second later it's gone, replaced by a warmth that seeps through my entire body. I can't see anything except a swirling of greens and blues and browns.

Suddenly, a cold wind hits me right in the face.

My eyes open- I didn't even know I closed them. When I look down at myself, I notice that I'm not even wet, which confuses me almost as much as the fact that Knox and I are standing exactly where we just jumped off from. Except... It's different. The clearing is smaller, with more trees and more snow. Across the river, where there should be houses, are also lots of trees. All of the trees around us are much bigger than they usually are, which makes no sense. There is something else off about this too. It takes a moment, but after noticing the ringing in my ears, it hits me. This place is silent. No cars, no planes, no chatter of people. Only the occasional bird call and the muffled sound of the snowflakes that have started to fall slowly around us. Sunlight makes the snow sparkle, each snowflake made into a glittering crystal. It's actually really beautiful. But I would like to know what's going on.

Which is why I finally look over at Knox. He's taking stock of his weapons, making sure the knives in his arm cuffs are still there and the bow on his back that I never noticed is still there, hidden under his forest green cloak.

"Um... Where are we?" I finally ask, causing Knox to put his weapons away quickly and give me a little smile.

"We're in Earthe," he responds, looking around fondly, "my home."

I scrunch my eyebrows at him in confusion. "This is not Earth. There are more trees and no roads or houses." I peer through the forest to my left, trying to spot my house. All I see is layers of trees behind trees for miles.

I hear a laugh, and turn back to the river and Knox.

"No, not e-a-r-t-h. E-a-r-t-h-e. It's a parallel universe to your Earth. It has the same 'layout,' so to speak, but there is nothing man made like skyscrapers or roads or cars. Only natural stuff. That's what we like, it's kinda our thing, to be one with nature...."

He trails off, looking at me with a slight shrug of his shoulders.

"What do you mean we?" I question, shivering as the cold finally settles in as my adrenaline fades. Sure, I may be walking on top of the snow, but my feet still sink in a good inch, making my socks soaked. And cold. It has to be about 25 degrees and I'm in nothing but pajama pants, a thin jacket, and ankle socks. Currently I can't feel my fingers or toes.

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