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Mia's POV


So, my plan is less of a 'nicely thought out escape plan,' more of a calculated risk. Vyn was able to confirm that in meetings, tea is usually served around. And not like fancy British-tea-time tea, more like natural tea, made from the needles of pines and mint leaves, sipped from wooden cups. Elmer is in charge of the guards and military, so without him barking commands, we can get out easier- he's who I'll go for. My guess is when I tell Elmer that I want to bargain for my freedom, he'll give out tea, try to seem as fair and serious as possible. Vyn also found out that there is no actual poison in the kitchens- figures- but his mother was a skilled herb mixer and he knows how to make a deadly poison from ingredients in the kitchen. Vyn clearly wants to leave the Cin's city, Dae taur, as soon as I do, so I trust him. I trust that he will poison the cup he will serve to Elmer. 

I have to. If it doesn't work, I don't know what will.

Back in my cell, I await the guards who will bring me to the meeting. The blond elf across from me, who talked to me once, is sitting by the bars. When I glance up, he's looking at me.

"Yes?" I ask, not really knowing what else to say. The man blinks, as if he didn't realize he was staring.

"Sorry," he says quickly, sitting up taller. The way he sits reminds me of how Knox and his mother sit on their thrones. Tall, regal.

"Where did you say you came from?" He asks. 

"I didn't," I reply. Who is this guy? "But, Bhailewood."

The elf's eyes light up like a spark.

"I lived there."

He pauses, as if expecting something. I stare at him- at his amber eyes, blond hair, straight nose. After a solid minute, the pieces seem to slam together in a rush. My mouth parts and my face freezes.

Knox told me that his dad was taken during the last war, about ten years ago. Taken by the Cin. This elf looks suspiciously like Knox.

"Are you..." I almost have trouble saying it, I can barely believe it. "Are you Knox's dad? Rothilion?"

The elf grabs the bars of his cell, and his face looks more joyful than I've seen my whole time being here. He actually smiles, and then I really see there resemblance. I smile back- a surprised, awed smile.

"Yes! Do you know him? How is he? How's Rose?"

My face heats, and I settle for telling his father that Knox and I are friends. I explain how he saved me, how Rose is doing, everything he wants to hear. For the next hour we talk, and he tells me everything about the upcoming  war that he's overheard plus other valuable information. I suggest that he escapes with us, but he tells me that if him escaping complicates the plan, then we should leave him. I hate the thought of it- knowing that I'm talking to Knox's father, and not helping him get out. But he insists, saying he has stuff to do here. I argue for a while, but he's stubborn, so I finally drop it. 

We compromise, and when the meeting comes, Knox's very much alive father says goodbye to me with a guard uniform under his blankets and the keys to his cell hidden in his pocket. 

I pray he gets out.

Four guards flank me as I head to a room to meet with Elmer. I don't see the use in guards, let alone four. My hands are currently tied in front of me, and I'm limping slowly- half for show. I used the ointment Vyn gave me soon after I took a shower, and although it's only been a day, the cuts on my arm are both almost gone, and the one on my leg, along with the burn, have scabbed over quicker than they should normally. Although it's still visible and still hurts, it is way less painful. Since those are covered with my dress and pants, I'm happy to heal them. But I keep the cut and bruises on my face so Elmer won't get suspicious.

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