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Mia's POV


When we appear we're standing in the doorway to the dining hall of the palace. Noon light shines in through the huge, arched windows on the other side of the hall from us, illuminating the long tables and benches running down the length of the place. The floor is plain grey stone, with-obviously- wood walls.

There's usually not many people in here- apparently the dining hall is only used for events and guard meals. Today there are only a few guards sitting at a table.

Halion looks around for a second before spotting the boy I saw Knox and him running with the other day- that must be Flint. Flint has light brown hair that falls down past his shoulders. It's kind of a trend I've noticed around here- guys hair always seems to at least go to their shoulder blades, usually no lower than that. Girls hair can go down as far as their butts. But anyway, as I walk up to the part of the bench Flint is at, I take in his appearance. He has dark brown eyes and tan skin, and he is just as tall as Knox but has a more broad build. And, of course, his face is pretty and perfect. He looks friendly, though, when he smiles and waves.

Following Knox, I sit across from Flint. Halion sits next to Flint and Knox slides in next to me.

"Hi Mia," Flint says, his voice deeper than Halion's or Knox's. "Nice to meet you."

"Hi," I reply kindly. "Nice to meet you too."

"I'm Flint. Hey, I'll go get food Hal, just a sec." In a puff of grey smoke he disappears, reappearing a second later masterfully balancing four plates and drinks on his hands and forearms. I grab mine with a thank you and take a gulp of my water, sighing as the cold liquid soothes my dry throat.

"So, Mia, you just started training?" Flint asks after taking a bite of bread. I nod.

"Yep, I just started weapons today."

Flints eyes light up.

"Cool! What's your weapon?"

Remembering that I kept my knives with me I pull one out of it's sheath and show Flint. Recognition flicks over his face, and he looks back up at me.


"Yep," I nod. "My dad's blade."

"Woahwoahwoah. Wait. Your dad was King Jacob?"

"Yeah- wait, so my dad's name is actually Jacob?"

"Yes," Knox answers. "He changed it when he met your mom."

"Oh, what was his first name?" I ask as Flint blanches at the information I just gave him.

"It was Ehrendil," Flint says when he gets his bearings. "I didn't know you were his daughter! That's so cool! Knox, you didn't tell me that." He looks at Knox with a mock disapproving look. Knox just shrugs, somehow looking cool without even meaning to.

"Thought you could figure it out for yourself. I mean, she looks just like him, Flint."

Flint leans forward and stares at my face. I don't know why, but I can't help it- Flint has such a funny intense look on his face as he puts together the pieces of me being the previous King's daughter that I start laughing. After a second Halion joins in, then Knox. A feeling of peace and calm settles over me as we laugh together. It reminds me of normal life, like just a group of friends hanging out. And despite only knowing them for a few weeks, days, and for Flint only a few minutes, it feels like I've known them for a while; they're just that approachable and outgoing.

Once the laughter dies down I go back to eating, and Flint and Halion carry the conversation, Knox chiming in every few minutes to make a snarky comment to one of them or add a point. I just sit there eating, laughing at what they're saying. When I glance over at Knox, laughing at something Flint says, I can't help but smile as well. For someone who seems so battle-hardened during practice, it's nice to see him laughing and talking with his best friends, like a normal kid. As normal as you can get being an Elf prince anyway. I can tell Flint, Hal, and Knox have been best friends forever. When they're together Knox gets so relaxed. Right now he's laughing so hard at something Halion said his eyes are squeezed shut, his perfectly straight, white teeth visible in a smile of pure amusement and joy. I can't help but laugh along. Not to be cringey, but his smile is so cute?!?

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