59 - Knox

72 4 2

Knox's POV



The frosty night air hits my upper body the second the Cin rip off my chest plate, and at this moment I realize what's about to happen.

I look up and see Mia, held down by Narys, who has a grip on her hair. My stomach churns with rage- I want to kill him for even touching her. I want him dead for everything he's done, everything he stands for.

I drop my eyes, and my gaze softens as it meets hers. I'm not sure why, but locking eyes with her is the thing that sends a wave of panic slamming into me.

I don't want to die. I can't die now, I need to help Mia. Please, let me help her, don't let me die yet.

I had never been afraid of dying before now. I always knew death was a risk you took when fighting in a war or otherwise, but I guess I never really thought I would face it.

Now I'm here, in the middle of a raging war, about to die- no way to escape. All I can think about is Mia, and Flint and Halion and Elanil. My mom- I'm still a baby to her- and my dad, who I haven't seen in over a decade but who's still alive- My dad. I never even got to reunite with him.

I struggle, but it's no use. I hear Mia pleading, and I see a blade flash out of the corner of my eye. Mia screams, the sound lost to the rest of the battle. I cringe, waiting for the pain, then-


No pain.

No vision, either.

No sound, no senses.

Everything is black.

I don't even think I'm really having these thoughts right now. Everything is hazy, disoriented and never ending.



Like I've been sucked into a black hole.

Through the darkness, pinpricks of light begin to show. One by one they appear, flicking to life like fireflies.

The stars.

My ancestors.

They're calling to me through the dark, beckoning.

I spend a minute, an hour, an eternity floating towards them.

Then a hole in the darkness.

A patch of light.

More, and more, blinding, scorching, painful-

Air rushes into my lungs.

My eyes open in a snap and I scramble into a sitting position, trying to see. I can't see, everything is black-

Arms wrap around me. Mom.

I'm alive.

My chest hurts as I heave in breath after breath, shivering, clinging to my mother who is crying and whispering things I can't focus on, because all I can focus on is the fact that I'm alive when I should be dead.

I pull away from my mother, looking down at the bloodied hole in my shirt. I place my hand over the skin, and only feel a long bump in the skin- a scar. No cut, no hole in my chest. That's when I notice the Cin lying dead around me, and Narys in the same state a few yards away.

"How?" I croak, looking back at Rose. She wipes her tears away and gestures with her head. I turn and see a figure slumped on the ground.

That's not a Cin soldier, that's-

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