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The days blur together as the mafia does damage control on the situation, trying to mend relationships with organizations all around. It proves to be more straightforward than first expected, but it's still a tiresome task and the trusted ones are tired. All of them showing signs of sleep deprivation, along with needing food and water in their systems. 

I've tried to help them and carry some of their responsibilities, none of them want any of my help though. It's frustrating as shit. 

Xavier and Joseph left to attend a meeting this morning, which is common by now. Xavier is always out and about with some of the men, the extensive want to be on good terms with everyone out rules their fundamental human needs. It's not my place to meddle in that, although I can see how tough it is on them. 

Oriana steps into the kitchen where I've been pouring myself a cup of coffee. Eight members are in the living room right next to us, so I don't feel like being in there. 

"Want some coffee?" I offer. 

"Yes, please," She smiles at me. "You know, Xavi might be tearing himself down with meetings and work, but you're doing the exact same thing with worrying."

Handing her the cup, both of us sit down by the kitchen island, "It's difficult not to worry. The guys are working too much."

"You can't change such headstrong men, Eloisa," She shakes her head with a smile. 

If anyone knows how this mafia works; it's Oriana. She's been here for so many years by now, simply being a cousin to Xavier, a mother to Santi, and witnessing how everything works. Her knowledge of this organization must be more significant than anyone would like to believe, she also knows Xavier better than anyone else. 

"I don't want to change them, but I would like for them to eat something every once in a while," Telling her this with a smile, a member steps into the kitchen and I clear the expression off my face immediately. 

He steps up to us with a nod, "Miss Martinelli, Miss Romano."

"Hi," Oriana speaks with an easygoing smile. 

She's so much better than me at all of this.

"We got word that something's wrong with Mr. Romano and Mr. Brakido," As he tells us this my heart starts pounding in my chest. 

"What?" I speak, my voice icier than I anticipated. 

He fidgets with his hands, not saying anything and it frustrates me. I need to know what happened to Xavier and Joseph, it can't be too severe, right?

"Speak!" Oriana yells and pride dances in my body, now look at that ball of fire.

His eyes cut to my cold ones, "Are you absolutely sure you killed Dracona that night?"


I have no way of being completely sure, none of us did a background check. How fucking stupid. We simply assumed that Dracona was telling the truth by saying he was a Pablo Martinelli. He could've been a dealer who was forced into that situation by the real Dracona, who now has done something to Xavier and Joseph. 

"It would be irresponsible of me to be utterly sure of anything," I tell him, my answer is as genuine as I allow it to be. "What do you know?"

"We were emailed images of blood and one of Mr. Romano's tattoos, the email declared that they wanted Eloisa Martinelli to come and get the two of them, alone," He explains. 

"Done, where is it?"

"Eloisa," Oriana warns from next to me. 

My eyes meet her frightened ones momentarily, before I look at the guy again with anger in my stare, "Where are they?"

"The address is mentioned in the email, but it would be thoughtless of you to go by yourself," He attempts.

Five new guys step into the kitchen, all of their faces emptied of color, and haunted looks reflect in their eyes. Their expressions have my gut tightening, the anxiety of not knowing where Xavier is or if he is alive has me clenching my fist. Keeping my face as indifferent as possible. 

"What happened?" I ask them. 

A guy with long brown hair steps forward, I recognize him as Oscar, "We got another email."

He steps closer to me with a laptop, the dark screen comes to life and he opens an attached file to an email. A video pops up, the sight has me grimacing in pain, and Oriana steps away from the kitchen without another word, tears streaming down her cheeks. 

Marc storms into the room from the front door, "What the fuck is going on?"

When he spots our focus on the screen, he instantly walks next to me and looks at the video in fright.

Xavier's huge frame is in the middle of a dark room, perched onto a bloodied wooden chair. His wrists are tied inhumanely tight against it, his head is dangling but I manage to see the blood seeping from his mouth and eye. He doesn't move and I find myself willing for him to move.

Please, move, do something.

A figure slowly steps into the frame, dressed in all black and with a mask on he is entirely anonymous. The knife in his hand registers in my mind, bile rises in my throat when he clutches Xavier's face and forces him to look at him.

Xavier's black eyes shine through to me, slicing at my heart, and a gruesome ripple of fear floods over my distant body. They fucking tortured him. Blood is covering the entirety of his face, his clothes are ripped and I can see the injuries where they must've sliced at him or stabbed him. 

"Tell her, Xavier," The man in the mask speaks, his voice is hidden behind a more bass and deeper sound, technology at its worst. "Tell your dearest Eloisa."

"No," Xavier rasps, his voice is completely shattered and my heart contracts for him. 

The disguised bastard stabs the knife into the leg of Xavier, who in return grunts slightly in pain, concealing it so well. My body feels the need to scream out for him, free some of the discomforts from him. Losing my family at 22 has me frightened that I'll lose him as well, Xavier is strong though. He can pull through all of this if I find him. 

In the frame, the masked man steps forward, "Eloisa, I know you're out there watching this perfect scene. Come to me now and I'll stop torturing your boyfriend, there's one catch though, you'll have to come alone. If I hear of you coming with anyone else, and trust me when I say I'll know if you do, I'll kill both him and Joseph. Are we clear?"

"Please don't come," I catch Xavier murmur behind him, not wanting to be heard, but needing me to hear it. "Non posso tenerti al sicuro se vieni." (I can't keep you safe if you come).

The man hears as well and walks towards him again, his fist is lifted into the air with one intention only. Before his fist makes contact, the video cuts out and yet another bile grows in my throat. Xavier's eyes are engraved into my mind, demanding to be seen. 

Silence is all that is detected throughout the room. Nobody dares to speak, this is my choice and I know what my decision is. 

"Tell me where the fuck he is, right now," I command, my voice as sharp and distant as ever. 

Oscar shakes his head, "We need to listen to Xavier's last comment in the video, he doesn't want you there."

Grabbing my gun from the holster, I cock it against his forehead and stare at him with such fire behind my eyes it burns even me. "If you don't tell me where he is, I'll blow your brain out and decorate your loved ones with the remains. Where the fuck is he, bastardo?"

His eyes flash with horror and he works the computer, turning the screen to me where the address is written precisely. Adrenaline pounds in my veins and I write it down. 

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