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Patting down my thigh I ensure to have my gun tucked into safety, this will surely be fun as hell. Entering the café, I sit down by the secluded table in the corner, waiting for Rocco to show up and tell me why the fuck he called me like this. I've been hiding away in my apartment for a week now, trying to research the Mr. Romano that slaughtered my family. 

No success yet, but I want to know who the fuck he is. I want to look at him while I kill him with my hands. 

The mop of brown hair steps into the café, he orders our food instantly and spots me sitting by the table. His broad frame hurries in my direction, the slight panic on his face isn't lost on me. He must be having some sort of news to tell me, big news even. 

"Hi, Martinelli," He says and sits down across from me. 

"Rocco," I state. "What's up?"

He raises an eyebrow, "This is the only time I like you cutting straight to the case. We have a huge issue on our hands."

"So tell me," I urge him. 

"Okay, I'm not stupid, pretty sure you know this already," He starts and I shrug my shoulders. "Oh, great, thank you for the confidence boost, Eloisa. You always know the right things to say, don't you?"

"And you clearly don't, tell me why the fuck we're meeting up like this."

"First things first, you won't allow me into your apartment, hence me calling you to this-"

"Rocco!" I cut off his rambling. 

"Fine!" He almost yells. "Okay, don't shoot the messenger. The Dungeon has been filled these past few days, I've noticed a group coming each and every night. So I placed an audio recorder under their usual table, I know, I'm a bad person. They talked about a whole lot of fucking secrets and I've picked up on a few tendencies."

He looks around the room in panic, "The amount of customers can be explained, it's an entire gang that has settled in my club. They come every night. These guys talked about you, Eloisa. About the warrant that is out for you and how they would get to you, some of them are pretty sure they know where you live. I don't believe that for shit, because you won't even tell me, but that's not the worst thing."

"Oh no! What could possibly be worse?" I ask and pretend to be scared with a hand over my mouth, Rocco rolls his eyes at my antics and gives me a serious stare. 

"I found out who's behind the warrant, Eloisa. It's not just one guy either, there's fucking three of them and they're dangerous. Do you hear me? You can't take them down on your own and they won't stop before they have you. These guys said that they want to torture and kill you, that's their intention. Which is why they hope for you to come to them alive, but one of them can deal with it if you simply end up dead. They're clashing in their intentions, but they're fucking rich and the money they offer for you. It's insane."

"Who are they, Rocco? I'm sure it won't be as bad as you make it out to be."

"The first guy is Dracona, no one knows his real name. He is the leader of the rink of drug dealers in this city. Ruthless, calculative, cold, he is fucking dangerous and rumor has it he is after you because of an occurrence in the Romano mansion," His words are panicked and I try to make sense of them. 

"What occurrence?"

"You shot someone in the knee? Zanto is his name. He didn't die, Eloisa. He sought out Dracona and they have made up this fucking story, apparently you and Xavier Romano are romantically involved. They can kill you off and hurt Xavier in the process, they're serious about this."

"I thought he died, it makes no fucking sense that Zanto survived. Do they wish me dead or alive?" I ask him, trying to know exactly what I'm dealing with here. 

"The two of them want you alive, they want to torture you."

"So what you're saying is that the third person is worse?" My mind is spiraling from all the information and I'm grateful for Rocco, he really outdid himself with placing a recorder under their table. The one guy I have on my team is a fucking genius. 

"The third will probably be the worst for you, yes," He starts and takes a deep breath. 

"Who is it?"

"Carlos Romano, the former leader of the Italian mafia."

"So what you're telling me, is that Xavier's father is out to kill me? He doesn't even want me tortured, he simply wishes death upon me?" My family's killer is on the loose and is searching for me, hoping that he, or anyone else really, can kill me. Xavier must have heard of this before, he is the only one knowing where his father is hiding. 

"Yes, I don't know his reason behind it," I do. "But everything ties down to Xavier Romano, Eloisa. You should cut him out of your life entirely, he is fucking dangerous and you know it."

"I'm fucking dangerous, Rocco. They're after me because of shit I did, nothing of this has anything to do with Xavier."

Okay, maybe I'm in denial. 

Dracona might be Xavier's ties to my life, and I hadn't shot Zanto if I hadn't visited Xavier's office that one day. But it was my choice to shoot him, it was my choice to knock him out with my gun. The only thing that isn't my choice, is that fact that Carlos Romano decided to kill my family and is after me now. 

It feels nice to place a name to Mr. Romano, he has always been Mr. Romano in my mind and I desperately needed his name. It felt too respectful to call him Mr., I don't enjoy being respectful towards the shit I step on. 

"Why aren't they doing the dirty job themselves? Three of them could easily take me down, and they could avoid spending so much money," The thoughts hit me and I share it with him. 

"They want the drama, they want your name out there and wish for you to feel hunted. Mind games, Eloisa, everything comes down to the games they play with your sanity," It makes fucking sense, too. The waitress comes and places food and beverages on the table, she leaves with a simple smile. Rocco gestures to the food with his hand, "Might as well eat up before it gets cold."

Shaking my head, "I'm not hungry anymore."

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